Other podcasts?

Evil C.

Jan 19, 2003
houston, tx
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I listen to a lot of other podcasts, and was wondering what you guys check out every week....

I listen to a wide variety of metal, video game podcasts like cagcast, coasterradio.com, and various other theme park podcasts...
I listen to the Dead Zone, the Entropy League, and the Power Hour whenever that chick decides to put one out. I hate to say this but I also listen to some of the MSR sports podcasts that are out there. I know you guys mentioned that screwed up something for you on iTunes because they had a big presence there, so sorry I'm contributing to that. :) :)

I'm big into Formula 1 racing so I listen to a podcast about that, a couple of tech podcasts, and I've been following The War Zone from our friend Demonic Nosehairs.
I enjoy the gamer, and tech podcasts. I used to check out a Buffy podcast (yes i am a Buffy fan), but they did not put out a show for like 6 months so i lost interest. If anyone here ever watched Tech TV or G4...might i suggest Diggnation! That is one of the funnest shows out there. You must check out their site, then listen to their podcast. http://www.digg.com