Do you listen to more/less/about the same metal than you did 5 years ago?


Jan 11, 2006
I know that I listen to lot less metal compared to 5 years ago, but I also don't listen to music nearly as much as I did 5 years ago. Part of this is because of the invention of good podcasts, which take up a lot of my listening (paralleled with the growth in various other interests).
I listen to roughly the same amount of metal. I've just found that the genres I listen to have changed. I used to listen to mostly death metal and grindcore and now I listen to a lot more traditional, power and prog metal.
Much less. I'm listening to a lot more jazz and fusion these days...

I'm more along the lines of this. The problem I have is I don't listen to music at home as much as I used to. I drive 40 minutes to and from school and I listen to an album, or most of one, and that'll do for the day. Regularly, I'd say I listen to jazz and metal equally, where was back in say 2004-2006 when I was discovering euro metal I was almost exclusively listening to metal. I'm just listening to almost everything these days.
I am listening to much more. I didn't listen to metal at all, except at the gym, from about 1993 until 2004. I gradually incorporated DT into my listening rotation 8 years ago, then discovered Symphony X and Redemption about 2007 or 2008. Metal is about all I listen to now unless I am in the OR or the Mrs is in the car.
I'd say probably about the same, maybe a little less if you count all the video game soundtracks and classical that have been added to my library. But, I tend to mix it all up anyways.
Since I have been writing reviews for the Metal Pit, I definitely listen to a LOT more metal now! Prog has definitely overtaken Power as my genre of choice, but this year new stuff from Holy Knights, Vision Divine, and Sound Storm, power metal is making a come back thanks to the Italians!
I know that I listen to lot less metal compared to 5 years ago, but I also don't listen to music nearly as much as I did 5 years ago.

Yea, I find I am listening to less, but more like just two years ago. There are a number of reasons, but a lot has to do with more work, less time (and energy) to keep up with "the scene". I haven't been to a show in months and I used to go to one like every three weeks. Of course the summer is dry for metal here.

A litle bit less, mainly because my interest in other genres has grown. And some bands that I love no longer write metal (Anathema, The Gathering, Ulver, etc.).

This too, at least when it comes to other genres. My younger son listens to a lot more diverse music than anyone else around me and he's gotten me (almost forcibly) to listen to a whole lot of stuff I used to run screaming from.

I will say the one thing that keeps me discovering new metal and keeps me interested is ProgPower and this forum.
I listen to so much music that it really balances itself out, so I'm not bored with just one genre.
But I'd say I listen to more metal than 5 years ago, just because I have found so many other bands within metal, especially within black metal and doom.

If my damn lastFM was working you could see an up to date listening habits.

Mostly I've been listening to alot of folk, progressive rock, post rock and some various forms of metal thrown in (alot of progressive stylings of metal, and doom)
I wouldn't say I listen to "less" metal than I did 5 years ago, but the metal I listen to now is definitely very different.
5 years ago I was totally into much more classic and traditional metal, but in recent years I've found a lot of Prog and some Power Metal that I dig.
Actually, now that I think about it I do technically listen to less metal than I used to. Metal was all I listened to 5 years ago; since then, my comfort zone has become a lot of the awesome 70's ProgRock, much heavier ranges of metal and the Beatles. Ooooh, have I become fond of the Beatles in the past 5 years.
My heart went from much more traditional stuff to Symphony X and Dream Theater, which led to a whole lot of stuff. It led me to the ProgRock like I said (I.E. Yes, ELP, real Genesis, King Crimson, Rush, you get it.), and it also led me to more unusual bands. I've become fond of Mastodon in particular, and Meshuggah as well. Meshuggah was a band I never fully understood until recently. And in understanding those bands, it opened me to more metal. And at the same time, the classic Prog took me in another direction with thinking about music. That's how I came to obsession over The Beatles.
Uh I guess it really depends on how you define 'more'.

5 years ago, 85% of my playlist was metal, average listening time per week was about 25 hours/week.
These days, about 50% of my playlist was metal, but I get in about 65 hours per week. And the metal I listen to is much more varied and diverse.

So, do I listen to more metal timewise? Yes.
Do I listen to more bands and genres? Yes.
Does metal still make up as much of a percentage of my overall music intake? Nope, it's dropped.
I listen to more now, since I got my own office. Now I only ever listen to what I want to hear, which is generally 95% or better of metal, for at least 9 hours a day. My car listening has gone down in favor of NPR, and not much at home at all anymore.

More genre diversity now too.
I listen to a lot less metal than I did 5 years ago. In 2007 metal was almost exclusively what I listened to. Since then I've explored the more melodic aspects of the Prog and Power genres and gotten big into AOR and dug the hell out of that. Followed that train of thought further and got into Yacht Rock/West Coast pop rock. Followed that train of though further and got into Jazz. Fusion will prolly be next and progressive will bring it full circle. I'm sure of it. :p
I listen to as much metal as ever, it's just that I listen to more kinds. Been a metal fan since that mid 80's, and that's been pretty much the pattern, every now and then if things are getting a little stagnant I find some new sub-genre that keeps me interested.