Other websites you people visit.


Sep 6, 2002
why do u want to know?
Visit site
What are some of the other websites you visit to find info, purchase, etc... on METAL and the whole spectrem of music??? Are there any real GOOD ones? C'mon, list em off... we all need more metal websites and the lot.

What problems or needs HAVE NOT been adressed by products, companies, or the internet? I need all you smart people's input on this!!!
For those looking to help out one of the best labels in the metal scene :rock: :

THE END RECORDS LAUNCH STREET TEAM – TEAM OMEGA!<img src="http://theendrecords.com/teamomega/images/TeamOmega_468x60.gif">We are launching TEAM OMEGA
to help spread the word on the eclectic mix of bands that make up the roster of
The End Records. Music is a form of art and we support artists that are
talented, original and keep on pushing the boundaries of music. We know
there are tons of people out there that share the same feelings and want to help
out. This will become an integral part of our operations. We don't just see Team
Omega as a separate entity to the label -- the members will be part of The End
Records family. We want you to be active, speak up, offer advice, while at the
same time take the initiative to make the best choices in helping us get the
label’s bands info out there. For more info on the street team, getting
materials to start up and wanting to interact with others, go here to sign up: