Otyg and folk dancing


The Watcher
Sep 7, 2001
Bak de syv blåner
I actually sat down last weekend and tried to figure out what kind of songs the Otyg songs are. Unfortunately I only have Sagvindars Boning yet, but here are my suggestions. Some of the songs I haven't figured out yet.

När Älvadrottningen Kröns - Waltz
Bäckahästen - Reinlender
Mossfrun Kölnar - Reinlender
Lövjerskan - Masurka

Anyone want to help me with the rest? ;)

And yes, I am a folk dancer, in case you wondered.
Then I definitely like Reinlenders
then? Hehe...

I'm afraid I can't help you on this,
as I don't know much about those
things... Just wanted to say -->

How cool is that!!! :eek:)
How long have you been dancing?
Cool... :eek:) Cool cool >:eek:P
I've been wondering if any Otyg songs had and actual dance associated with them. Hee hee... When you figure it out, tell us what Alvadimmans Omdaning, Skymningsdans, Trollslottet, and Arstider are. And where can we see some samples of what you're talking about?
I cant folk dance but I can do one hell of an Irish Jig

Final_Vision: Dancing like an idiot in his room listening to Arch Enemy..........
oh! so I'm not the only one who dances like an idiot in his room!

fathervic (who lost inspiration, and feels fustrated)
thanx morgana, but this wallowing just done me the strong person I am (damn, I nearly ended the sentence without laughing, just gotta keep practicing)

fathervic (who after one day of misty tiny mind, returns back ot it's own safe and normal stupidity)
I like folk dancing! ...I just don't know to much about it... like names and stuff. And I don't think very much of competitions: dancing is for fun!! ;)
And hey, FV: You tell me where you live, and I'll visit you, then we can dance together :p
well don't know it that's addressed to me or to F_V, but anyway, it would really embarrasing if somebody found me doing this humpa stuff!
I should be very very drunk...and the fact that I just drink coke won't help :p
anyway I could leave you teach me a little in order I don't seem to stupid :)

and Oh! barcelona is the place