otyg demo

I'm not 100% on this, but this might give you a hint at least -->

Fjälldrottningens Slott
Driven Ur Fjället
Genom Obanat Rike
I Trollberg Och Skog
Sorgbundna Sekel

Anyone else who can confirm this or have a different tracklist?
Maybe Vintersorg himself can help out? I'm hoping for the demo's
to be released, that would be awesome...
My first thread on this board was about the Otyg demo's. You can find there all the tracklists.

AnzusAstral@: I asked him the same question in the 'Job beside music' thread. I though I tell you this if mr. V haven't seen your question. :) And..he work first and then he can be work as a musican. So he is quit busy all the time.
Yes, Blackspirit, I agree!
I've only heard the song "sorgbundna sekel" from the demo
but it's fucking good!!
well mister V, will there be any CD-release of the otyg demos? i read in another thread here on this forum that it was going to happen, or has anyone else got any news concerning it? i really need it since i've only got the two first in appaling quality as mp3s :[ and a lot of the tracks are just awesome and really deserve to be spread and heard by more people.
I Have a funny story about the Vinterväsen song... I never had listen to this song... and I didn't eveen know about it untill a few weeks ago...

But the "funny" thing is this: I have a Viking Metal project that will only starts to play next year, and i was writing a song that was the story of a man(a viking) that meet a almost omnipotent being which hides and only shows itself on the winter.(some shit like that... i can't remeber very well anymore...the song didn't came out good... so I stop writing)

But well fellas'.... guess what... the song title was Vinterväsen too. I had laughed like hell when i see "Otyg - Vinterväsen" on the Kazaa Search. Kind of a tragic coicidence, don't you think?

P.S.: It will be nice if the Otyg demos were realeased.
woho i just got my hands on the two first otyg demos! i'm aware that this is probably most uninteresting for most people execpt myself, but i just had to post it :D now i'm (hopefully) gonna make some proper rips of the tapes (but not distribute or similar mind you) wei!