Otyg question

Yessss i was wondering about that too!!! ...wait, are we talking about the same thing? ...i was thinking of that low bass-y twangy sound, it kinda goes "boinnnngggg!" ...i've heard it in a lot of Moonsorrow stuff and Thyrfing as well. at first i thought it was just a bass guitar, but after listening again, it's definitely not that!
I haven't heard the album, but I think what you may be referring to is the Mouth Harp. My history teacher uses one in class sometimes. It's a very neat instrument. (I remember seeing somewhere that there was one of these devices on a Otyg album, so If I'm wrong, sorry). They are also known as the Juice (sp) Harp.
Winterfall, yeah you're right... i looked around online and all the searches pointed to the mouth harp also known as a Jew's harp (not sure why it's called that though)

...and then i went back to my Moonsorrow cds and if you look next to Henri Sorvali's name, you will see that it is listed as one of the instruments he plays and i believe he's a master at it too! :) ...i suppose that would explain why you can hear that sound in Finntroll as well
insayn said:
this instrument have other name in sweden?
The only names for it I know of are mungiga (mouth-fiddle) and munharpa (mouth-harp). Though in the booklet of Galdersång Till Bergfadern it's refered to simply as giga.
well i listen sagovidars and listen Alverfard MAtias are a great musician and are great notions from sounds everyworld and this works are so great and play the jew's harp or giga..
he is a graet musician and in Brazil are many fans of your albuns