Ouch. Fuck

or your thighs!

that picture is taking forever to dl! i can't see it! anyway, i really was going to post pictures of my new haircut, the back, and the front w/and w/o the new sunglasses. but it's entirely up to nick and my agent to totally decide.

also, alex you need txt message or something in case important agent things happen when i'm away from the computer.
yeah, for some reason bc's website (where i host my images) is running superslow right now.

as your agent, i think posting the pics would be good for your image. i also encourage you to start turning a profit so i can afford to buy a cell phone and thus be the recipient of txts.
fucking SHIT nix. well check your email i sent you a pic of me with my new prada sunglasses. or actually if you log into my diary (the old one) and go under (upload pics) the pics are the last three on the list.
