Ouch, I feel sorry for Atlanta Hockey fans

For all the good it will do, here's a link to a petition to the NHL Board of Governor's to not approve the move:

It makes me so angry that the NHL is letting the ASG get away with their bad behavior ruining hockey in Atlanta. They went to the wall to save the Coyotes, a team with a better track record but still worse attendance than the Thrashers and in a smaller market. I understand that Glendale helped prop them up but it seems the Atlanta market is one worth saving.
The "whale tail" logo was awesome :lol:

As far as the old-school teams go, I was an Atlanta Flames fan back in the day...we had Pat Quinn as the captain, Bill Clement (Clement, Clement, hands of cement :lol:) was there for several years, Boom-Boom Geoffrion was the original head coach...good times!

Well, you could still go to CT and see the hottest minor league hockey team in America: the DANBURY WHALERS!


Well, it took Lemieux stepping in to keep the Penguins in Pittsburg, and that is a hockey town. So maybe its just an NHL issue. The NHL also is primed to become huge next year if the NBA and NFL have lockouts.
Hush, the BJs aren't that bad yet. Carry the flag and hold your boomer :dopey:

It would really be nice if the BJs would stop collapsing midseason and trading away our good players. It really hurts to see our former players on teams that are competing for the Stanley Cup while the home team can't even return to the playoffs. We have tha talent but can never seem to utilize it. We hire and fire quality coaches and need make any headway. Then the ownership bitches about the arena and threatening to leave the city while the fans do everything they can to support the franchise. We also lost a good hockey team in the Chill so that we could gain the Bluejackets.
That was my frist thought. Dude makes all that money and he chooses Cardboard pizza?

Heh, I should have mentioned that this was before the existence of Pizza Hut's delivery operation, before the existence of Papa John's and before the existence of the Atlanta Thrashees. I'm oooold, remember? :)
At the time I think Boom-Boom had retired out -- as an NHL Hall of Famer -- but had not yet begun coaching.

As an example of how weird long-term memory can be, I just pulled up a map of Marietta and quickly spotted the subdivision and street where he lived (maybe still does). I'll also observe that he was a nice guy, tipped well, and was covered in scars. Can't imagine why. :lol: