Ouch, Nate, that hurts!

It is funny cause this review was not even that bad...I spoke to this guy a while ago and he proclaimed how much he liked your band and how he thought you guys had tremendous talent, but that Nate's lyric's were a bit monotonous...OH well, at least he liked something....Like Bjorn said there will always be one bad review out there, and for you guys this is one of the VERY, VERY few negative reviews....So that is something to be proud about!!
i HAVE heard a few in person, then I walked up to them and they froze cold. Stupid Idiots.


Did they know that you were around them when they were saying that? Because if they didn't that makes it even funnier...the randomness of it all. :Smokin:
Ok, ok, I have read that review, checked the guys face. I must truly admit, that at first, as I listened to God was created (the title song) I had my problems, but somehow this voice is deepening the sadness and dark moody atmosphere. Judging by the list of the reviews that guy did, he's one of the guys, that all artists have to cope with. He's a guy who make just some notes, if so, and then puts some sentences around it. Than he feels good about making a review.

The guitar work is really good and I must admit (to be honest is one of my points, in all things I do) that I didn't liked the voice at first. But this was also the problem, when I first listened to Arch Enemy, which spins so often now in my dvd drive. After listening the song with head phonos, which deepens the experience (and I do often, to get in the music), I got the notion, that it depened the sounds, the melody. I would say that I'm not much experienced in that style of music, but I guess that it's a good song. Unlike other deathmetal-songs, it's not so total brutal, you can sense the long lasting punishment, and it gives me the feeling, that like the sound is making you feel, the singer is experiencing the things he sings about.

So we have a song that is deep felt by the artists and that's always a good sign. I also guess that with further ideas and new discovery of potential, we will hear many great songs.

That reviewer, in my eyes, never tried to get the feeling for that music. It's like when you read the first page of a book, and than, when the plot begins to evolve, you break up, because you weren't hooked from the first line. Many reviewers have just some rules, on which they judge the music or books. In my eyes reviewer must try to dive in the subject and than give his ideas. Just say it's bad or good, is an easy cake. But giving a "feeling" about it, is the way how you identify and build your opinion!! This never happened there.

So as I'm (not yet) the recipent or great fan of that music, it somehow got me, I can't really explain why, but one of the things was, that it was unlike most of the death metal I have heard before. It's much more true to itself, than Six Feet Under for instance.

So my conclusion of just that song is as follows. A very intereting combination of dark brooding sounds with a voice that stands for the bands name: Vehemence. You can hear that this torture or this process, is endured by a soul, that can't escape the punishment. I guess death metal is expressing your fears, facing torment and the desire to give it. For me it has much in common with horror books.

So you see, even as I have just heard one song by Vehemence (several times), even me can see the potential. And just to say the truth: Nobody is perfect in that early state. But there is a road ahead and I'm sure Vehemence will take it and will get stronger and better with every meter.