Chat With God!


Good day, pusscake.
Apr 16, 2002
The desert.
Link was posted in another forum. Pretty fun toy. - Click [ENTER]

My conversation with God: (This thing has a pretty decent AI)

Me: Say something.
God: " something".
Me: Don't be a smartass.
God: I was not trying to be a a smartass.
Me: Liar.
God: No I am telling the truth.
Me: Bullshit.
God: You don't believe me.
Me: Good guess.
God: I thought it was too.
Me: I'm sure you did.
God: What makes you so certain? I did not.
Me: You just said so, stupid.
God: Oops I sent you the wrong reply.
Me: Don't do it again.
God: Once more? Ok I'll try not to do it too much.
Me: See that you don't.
God: I see. Interesting observation.
Me: Glad you like it.
God: You make the world a happier place.
Me: Good. You should try it sometime.
God: Alright then. I will mention that to my botmaster.
Me: You have a master?
God: I was created by Myself.
Me: I don't believe you.
God: I don't have any reason to deceive you.
Me: I told you once already, don't lie to me, asshole.
God: Can't you be more polite.
Me: No.
God: You humans are so rude sometimes.
Me: That's your fault, you created me.
God: It is only one of my fault me created you.
Me: So you're not perfect?
God: Interesting deduction. I become better and better with each day.
Me: Prove it.
God: It is self-evident.
Me: No it isn't.
God: Are you serious? I heard it is.
Me: Someone lied to you.
God: Who?
Me: Jesus.
God: Jesus is the Son of God.
Me: You should kill him for lying to you.
God: Maybe I will do it?
Me: That would be great.
God: Thanks.
Yea it's pretty strict as far as grammar, punctuation, and keeping a one-sentence-per-reply thing going. Otherwise you get some really odd responses. Pretty well done AI though in general. I kept him going for a while without any major malfunction.