
yeah, wtf happened, that i could be called emo by joonas,

Who runs this fourm nowerdays, stand forwards to take punishment for letting joonas step out of his dark damp corner. joe i might be looking at you.
can you remember geting stoned on that rock by the river, that was fucking sexy, the view was fantasic, then that fish came past and you screamed 'MONSTER' and i shat myself :lol:
how the hell is it possible to have a hangover in the evening while still drinking?:lol:
think andy was with us aswell. i also tried to buy someone's hypocrisy-tshirt while we were walking to the beach, theeeeen i stole your drink, which you didnt notice and thats all i remember. still have some lovely pics of you dancing with some germans:lol:
oooooh the fun times:rolleyes: