Our First Single, Metalcore in the style of ABR/AILD


New Metal Member
Jul 16, 2011
Hey guys, first post as a band here on the forum, I'm the guitarist and primary songwriter for this project. Before I go posting this mix anywhere, I wanna to make sure its up to snuff. Any and all advice is appreciated! It was done with inexpensive gear in my home studio so take note of that.

Guitars: ESP LTD mh1000 through Podfarm, double tracked
Vocals: double mic'ed and blended
Drums: programmed and edited to hell
Bass: Kramer Spectre into Podfarm bass amp

Thank you in advance for your critiques and comments!
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Everything sounds pretty lo-fi, guitars sound weak and bass is hardly audible. Vocals sound like they were recorded through a can, kick is just one big distracting yet weak sounding thud. Snare sounds super weird, especially on the blast beat, I'm guessing it's not a multisample. Hi-hat sounds atrocious and distorted. Come to think of a lot of things sound like they're clipping here and there, possibly due to bad mastering.

If my bands EP sounded that bad I would probably kill somebody, possibly myself for not getting a real engineer to do it.
Everything sounds pretty lo-fi, guitars sound weak and bass is hardly audible. Vocals sound like they were recorded through a can, kick is just one big distracting yet weak sounding thud. Snare sounds super weird, especially on the blast beat, I'm guessing it's not a multisample. Hi-hat sounds atrocious and distorted. Come to think of a lot of things sound like they're clipping here and there, possibly due to bad mastering.

If my bands EP sounded that bad I would probably kill somebody, possibly myself for not getting a real engineer to do it.
sorry to sign this but the guy is right, harsh words but true, better revamp the mix
As Ascendant said, the mix as a whole is lo-fi and clippy. The guitars are very boxy and muffled and I can't hear any bass guitar. Drums sound really over-compressed and get buried easily. That kick is... not good. Vocals sound like they went through a super-cheap mic and are too compressed...
The link is not working for me. Im hoping that you didn't remove it simply because of some negative criticism. It is given to help you focus on what needs to be done to improve, not to completely demotivate you from producing. This is a learning forum.

Come to think of it why would you need to edit programmed drums?
First post and first mix I hope? If it is, don't worry dude, we're here to help you to get improving. Everyone already said what's wrong with the mix.. but the vocalist seems pretty good (recorded through a sm7b it would kill) But for the best of your band you might wanna work a lot more on the song with the tips everyone gave you or even ask an experimented AE to do the mixing.
Yeah it sounds REALLY dry. Like everything was massively highpassed? Volume levels could need a little bit of work too. I'm not exactly the one to give any advice but I think it could help if you solo your drum and bass track make them sit nicely and then bring in guitars and the rest one by one. And sometimes just a good night sleep helps you hear the mix better.

But anyways this needs way more low end.

Btw. Nice vocalist and guitarwork is great also!