So basically this is an 1 hour video about a basic principle of History ?
We have a current version of our version, usually written by the winners of battles and wars, by those who survived etc. So if you're not happy with a part of it, then do some research, prove that part wrong, and be happy you contributed in making History more accurate.
EDIT : arf, so it's actually wayyyyy more than that
I challenge the creator of the video to show the "evidence" we were "Naatca" or Kondelini, people coming from the future... Left brain species... who evolved in higher form of consciousness... Seriously ?
EDIT2 : and now martians... There is still 50mn of video. ??? I skipped parts to see what they were talking about later, I loled at the "the proof is there" and the picture with made-up geometry to put rock in something similar to an organized system.
I thought at the beginning the video was about History and how to think out of the box, think about all the information we lost, which would have been actually interesting, but starting from 3:30... Wow
For Atlantis-theory lovers, there are actually very good books about it, collecting the information about researches made to prove its existence, the mentions of it you can find in antiquity books, the few clues of its existence or not, even mentioning the fact it could have been a myth passed from generation to generation and nothing more. Also discussing wether it was located in Atlantic, or in the Pacific, and all and all, and those are way better to read than giving credit to illogical videos who just put together random illuminated theories. Same for alien theories, some of them collect "un-explained" stories, taking good care of sort of rating them in between "is probably just BS" to "it's actually impossible to explain this, so far" without going into fantasy-land and mentioning 6 dimensional entities who MUST have been there at some point.
The most funny thing about this "spiritual" theories, is that they almost never blend into each other, contradict themselves in tremendous obvious ways by having very different explanations for everything making it impossible to link one to the others, yet still some people will give it a lot of credit.