our little angel is a superstar

Obay- you speak like Kobi. And I think you are both right. And this is exactly what I mean- it is always niced to be noticed because a man thinks you look good, but I want him to stay because he likes my personality! :wave:

Now let me close the deal on that Stryper shirt- cool stuff dude!!! :cool: Can you throw in a Winger tour shirt with that as well???
I will not be held responsible for that ozon disdaster happening- I hope....
Morticia NL. said:
it is always niced to be noticed because a man thinks you look good, but I want him to stay because he likes my personality! :wave:
exactly the point :worship:
its far beyond the clothing.
and the impression pepole may get about the
israeli metal scene and the females among that scene in particular is the worng one.
you see,because of our country's very complicated situation with the religious and unreligious citizens we feel storngly about the subject.
we are trying to make pepole here look at us as good pepole and not as a group of trouble makers.
and it is very hard to do so when all they can see is a young girl dressed in very minimal clothing.
it just dosent look good,you know?

i have a lot of respect for her as a humen being there for i will leave it now.
and still,best of luck to her
Morticia NL. I don't speal like Kobi, Kobi speaks like me :)
that's beacuase we both speak words of truth.

by the way
it is always niced to be noticed because a man thinks you look good, but I want him to stay because he likes my personality

I really like your personality, I really wish to see you one day, and I want to see Avi (the moderator), I like that guy.