Our Support to England


Curse You All Men...
Aug 14, 2002
I don't know whether there is a thread about the recent sad events in England. I just wanted to say that here in Russia we support the english. Unfortunately we know what terror is, but may the god cure this experience...
We really sorry about what happened in London and grieve about the victims.
I, personally, hope there were no casualties among my english friends, which are many...
Damn all who made those explosions, and all who planed this bloody crime...
Now, tell me, why have no one created a thread about the 9000 who dies because of aids, every day in Africa? We will have a silent minute here in Sweden for the 50 people who died in London, yet, we have never, ever had any silent minute for those who dies in Africa. I will protest if someone tells me to be silent because of this. Hypocrites..
Ah, so it's terrorism that makes people sad, not all the people who dies? So if I would blow up your garbage can (as a protest against all the garbage of course), the world would have a sad minute?
2 minute? We have 1 minute in Sweden.. But please, do not declare war because of this.

BTW: This was a joke
@Crycheck, if a person dies of AIDS most likely they did not practice safe sex, it was their choice not to use protection .
The people murdered in London were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
There is nothing funny(joke) about any of this. These people who were killed have mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, friends.
There be you but for the grace of god.
btw why use AIDS as an example?
Over 50000 die everyday as the result of cigarette smoking.
santa claus said:
@Crycheck, if a person dies of AIDS most likely they did not practice safe sex, it was their choice not to use protection .
Well to be fair in Africa most AIDS victims didn't have a choice.
They were either raped or couldn't even get a condom(finding a condom in Africa is very hard since the Vatican has banned condoms :rolleyes: )
I've read somewhere that every third person gets some kind of cancer in their life. I don't think any of these had any choice. There are also war going on in Africa. There's people who steal kids to sell as sexslaves. People trick beautiful women from Russia into the sex buisness. People are blown up by mines in Asia. Women are raped, people are murdered.
Oi... Must you guys (I dont think this aplies to all people who have posted here... but a good amount of the posts...) argue about what is the greatest tragedies? Just because there is not a moment of silence for a specific people and there is one for another does not mean that one is more or less important. And face it, everyone is a hypocrite. No one yet fully understand the complexities of logic and such. But still, IT DOESNT MATTER! If you want to have a moment of silence for what not, then have one! Instead of being silent for only the people in london, make yours for everyone. But to not do it at all because you are pissy because oh they didnt get reconized is pure idiocy. For you guys to turn something nice into some sort of pissing contest is just shameful. I could rattle on about how uncivilized you are being, how rude, how absolutly idiotic you are being, but I doubt it would matter... For you it is only about being able to piss in the wind the fartherst. And yes, I do understand that you probably dont understand shame, or reconize any of what I said as any form of insult or anything. I dont care, for you have lost some things that have made you something better then the rest of the manure in the world. No longer should you consider yourself human, if anyone asks you what you are say, "I am a dog. I evolved from dogs and deserve to be treated like one." Thats all you are now, maybe someday, MAYBE, you shall be human.
Andy_2003 said:
So I'm sure you Swedes never rape women, steal kids for sexslaves? murder people? and i'm sure you help a lot in Africa huh??

I told you what's going on in the world, and Sweden is located on earth. We've got slaughtered teens who've been found in paper bags in the woods in Sweden too you know.
Crycheck said:
I told you what's going on in the world, and Sweden is located on earth. We've got slaughtered teens who've been found in paper bags in the woods in Sweden too you know.

ah thats shit, crazy extremes in life, from great lives to shit lives all hinging on luck and weird events in life