Out On A Limb...

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I remember just starting to find progressive websites and reading of other bands reviews (other than DT). I think it was about 96' when i drove down to the Tower Records and found this bands cd i read about (Enchant). I picked it up, not having a clue what they sounded like, which i use to do in my high school days. After popping in the cd, i remember liking it right off the bat and it just grew on me from there. Ofcourse, years to follow and until this day, waiting for Blink Of An Eye to come out, i have all their cd's.

I have seen Enchant play once, which was with Spocks at the Encino Country Club in So Cal. I actually knew very little about Spocks and initially went to see Enchant. Needless to say, i fortunately was turned onto another great band after that night. I also ran into Ted on my way out, suprisingly seeing him in the dark distance at a pay phone. He had been walking back toward me and i had said hi. I had met him a bit earlier in the night. What's funny was that he had no change to make a phone call to check on the bands hotel room, so i got him 50 cents for an exchange of his autograph on their new cd at the time (Break). We talked for about 10 minutes about the concert and singers he grew up listening to. If Ted see's this, "Do you remember this?"

Anyways, look forward to the rest of the stories and the new cd!! Take care.


my post was suppose to be in the "To All The Enchant Fans..." thread, sorry!

I remember.....I can't remember the specifics of the conversation but thanks again for the change