Outboard compressor chain.

Joshua Wickman

Yes Sir!
Feb 11, 2009
I just picked up a distressor and i'm just curious......

Would you use a distressor before the Sansamp or after the Sansamp?


Bass>Compressor>Sansamp>Super Sick Preamp


Bass>Sansamp>Compressor>Super Sick Preamp

I'm sure i will try both but what is a common practice?
Is it standard practice to put the mic pre first in the chain after the mic if you're using outboard? I'm looking at acquiring some outboard this year for tracking and mixing and am interested if it was 'typically better' to be hitting the pre before the compressor. It's how I assumed it would be done.
Is it standard practice to put the mic pre first in the chain after the mic if you're using outboard? I'm looking at acquiring some outboard this year for tracking and mixing and am interested if it was 'typically better' to be hitting the pre before the compressor. It's how I assumed it would be done.

My chain is:
Sansamp out--> API pre --> Distressor --> SSL converter --> DAW
Head pre out--> API pre --> DBX 160XT --> SSL converter --> DAW
DI--> API pre --> SSL converter --> DAW

Now selling my DBX and trying to pick a 1776 clone out-there
My chain is:
Sansamp out--> API pre --> Distressor --> SSL converter --> DAW
Head pre out--> API pre --> DBX 160XT --> SSL converter --> DAW
DI--> API pre --> SSL converter --> DAW

Now selling my DBX and trying to pick a 1776 clone out-there

how do you like the DBX 160xt on bass amp heads? Any other uses with it?
My chain is:
Sansamp out--> API pre --> Distressor --> SSL converter --> DAW
Head pre out--> API pre --> DBX 160XT --> SSL converter --> DAW
DI--> API pre --> SSL converter --> DAW

Now selling my DBX and trying to pick a 1776 clone out-there

If you're looking for someone to sell it to I'd be interested. Been on the lookout for a used DBX 160 lately.
You really have to hit the pre before the comp; pre converts mic level to line level, which the comp accepts.

BUT the sansamp also does that (after all it's a DI box).
I'm often goin: Bass->PSA1->Distressor->AD Converter

No need for a mic pre to raise the level or make it DI compatible (the PSA does both of that).

that is for DIRECT bass...if you mic a cab you of course wanna go through the mic pre first
I'm going with a simple recording chain for bass....

Bass > Beringer Tube Preamp > Compressor/Limiter > Cakewalk 44k DR
If you're looking for someone to sell it to I'd be interested. Been on the lookout for a used DBX 160 lately.

Well, mine is in good aesthetic condition, not mint but fully functional. I´m looking for 180€ (shipment not included) if you wanna know more send me a PM.

how do you like the DBX 160xt on bass amp heads? Any other uses with it?
The DBX manages everything quite good except stuff that need a super fast attack. I used it very much on vocals, snare, kick, paralel before I got the distressor.