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I am never, ever going to listen to this band. How old are they, fucking thirteen? I can't imagine this being anything besides idiot-core.

Though Beavis might go for it. "Yeah! Heeheehee! Fire!"
FARL3SS said:
It's not a quote, but you're learning the ins and outs of the English language. Good job!
Since we are talking about the English language, I took the liberty to correct all of your grammatical errors.

Oh, and anything that is enclosed in QUOTATION MARKS can be classified as a quote, unless it is a title of a book.

Anyways, I think your lyric writer needs to grasp the English language. Lyrics like "Fuck, Fuck, Mother Fuckers" are in no way artistic by any means.
I wrote the lyrics. Can I quote myself? Fuck is as artistic as it gets. But damn youre so much cooler than me, you probably have some awsome lyrics of your own. I'd like to check them out. I'm sure they are just as deep as words will allow them to be. Unless you don't have any lyrics of your own?

All FALLHARD lyrics by Brian Farless available for viewing at www.fallhard.com
Electrovomits music was not available. Or perhaps the site was just to sloppy to navigate either way im sure it's full of energy and meaning. Most likely something bevis, butthead, and myself would have a good laugh about!
Haha. First of all, your website sucks. Seriously, thats one of the worst band websites i've ever seen.

Well, I thought, Fair enough, not everyone can have a decent web page. Then I listened to the samples on your site and thought, christ, this band sucks ass. Your vocals are terrible, and your lyrics are worse. The musicianship wasn't much better.

So please, do me a favour and fuck off.
FARL3SS said:
Electrovomits music was not available. Or perhaps the site was just to sloppy to navigate either way im sure it's full of energy and meaning. Most likely something bevis, butthead, and myself would have a good laugh about!
No, Electrovomit's music isn't currently available, as I said in my signature. I doubt Beavis and Butthead would laugh at it, but you might.
I am unaffraid of the danger. I see no one talking on this thread has anything to put up for critisism. Wonder why? Yeah, the worst band website youve ever seen. It's so obvious when these metal geeks are trying to seem cool on thread. No problem though. Fallhard is not trying to impress you.Take us or leave us, or just spend twenty minutes calculating youre next weak ass insult. If youre telling me my lyrics suck, then obviously you payed enough attention to the site to go and read them. Most people I come in contact with tell me that my lyrics are good. So I guess if an ignorant fuck like you doesn't like them I should take that as a compliment. So thanx Big Champion! This is the type of clown thats never said anything good about a band that wasn't already famous. What a waste of creative energy. Maybe one day youll get the heart to create something (though I strongly doubt it). When and if you do send it to me Ill give it an honest review. As soon as I stop laughing. Don't be affraid young one youll learn your roll one day.
FARL3SS said:
I am unaffraid of the danger. I see no one talking on this thread has anything to put up for critisism. Wonder why? Yeah, the worst band website youve ever seen. It's so obvious when these metal geeks are trying to seem cool on thread. No problem though. Fallhard is not trying to impress you.Take us or leave us, or just spend twenty minutes calculating youre next weak ass insult. If youre telling me my lyrics suck, then obviously you payed enough attention to the site to go and read them. Most people I come in contact with tell me that my lyrics are good. So I guess if an ignorant fuck like you doesn't like them I should take that as a compliment. So thanx Big Champion! This is the type of clown thats never said anything good about a band that wasn't already famous. What a waste of creative energy. Maybe one day youll get the heart to create something (though I strongly doubt it). When and if you do send it to me Ill give it an honest review. As soon as I stop laughing. Don't be affraid young one youll learn your roll one day.
So, if all our bands sucked, yours would suck less, then? I get it, fuzzy logic, right?

And hell, you sure are wasting a lot of words on us if you don't care for our opinions. Get back to your doggerel-jotter, McGonagall, and leave us be. Or do you actually think you can sulk and whine us into liking your band?
FARL3SS said:
Please. You fucking simpleton. This is my thread get the fuck off it's nuts if my band sucks so bad.
I'm going nowhere, and you didn't need that apostrophe.

Hey wait a second aren't you the clown in the band with no music?

Thats what I thought you fucking dweeb. Keep up the good work with Electro whatever the fuck that was!
Sorry, was a five-syllable word too much for you?
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