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FARL3SS said:
You are some talentless clowns. How much time do you spend talking shit on my thread, and its the same 5 people. What a Bunch of fucking panzies. Yeah my lyrics are at times angstfull. Not everyone is into that over dramatized theatrical metal with zero fucking meaning. You see Im from Detroit Michigan USA, where there is alot to be angry and frustrated about. However if you had realy took the time to study my lyrics you may have discovered that most of them reflect on things like knowledge and empowerment. Things that many Faggy "METAL" bands, like the ones I'm sure you simpletons listen to don't even seem to know exsist.

Still not caring about our opinions, then?
It will be interesting to see how you respond to this. If you decide to shrug it off with a simple, already-used insult, I wonder which it will be, considering you can't very well call me a computer nerd who posts all day since I only visit these boards every few weeks.

Yeah, perhaps you didn't realize how much time you spent posting this messege on my thread. You are indeed cheesy. I realized long ago that GREATNESS such as that of Fallhard will always be critisized. Especialy by people with nothing better to do.
Or by people who don't like it perhaps. You can deny that your band suck if you want, but try to see that everyones view of greatness isn't the same as yours. What are you trying to achieve with the contiuation of this thread? Is your pride so fragile that you need to respond to every halfwit who takes a crack at your music? If so I doubt your band is going to last long.
FARL3SS said:
It will be interesting to see how you respond to this. If you decide to shrug it off with a simple, already-used insult, I wonder which it will be, considering you can't very well call me a computer nerd who posts all day since I only visit these boards every few weeks.

Yeah, perhaps you didn't realize how much time you spent posting this messege on my thread. You are indeed cheesy. I realized long ago that GREATNESS such as that of Fallhard will always be critisized. Especialy by people with nothing better to do.

You sound like some kind of Fred Durst clown with your immature bravardous responses to honest opinions that have obviously offended your deluded opinions of your band.

Because a bunch of mallcore sheep dig your angsty crap does not justify your obviously inflated pride, and you're not going to gain anything but disgust on these boards.

You say get a hobby - well if your idea of a hobby is creating dumbed down, mediocre droaning with a band of equally musically-disorientated fools, then I think I'll do without thanks.

Nice band....pity you suck cock.
"It Has depth and feeling"
(member of the metallica boards about St Anger)
"Everytime we put a record out, we lose people that can't deal with
the growth "
(Lars Ulrich)
THE METAL CRYPT<-- My personal site of reviews, featuring Iron Maiden, Cryptopsy, Nile, Suffocation, Children of Bodom and more...

It's funny that fools want to believe so badly that I give a fuck if they don't like my band. I repeat "I could care less" I see from the bands on your half ass web site that all you listen to is DRAMACORE! I've been to some of these Theatrical metal shows and you know what I always seem to find? ...I'll tell you... ...a bunch of swinging dick and absoloutley zero females. This is just one of many reasons that Youre a fag, your whole scene is cheesy as fuck and I don't give a fuck if you don't like my band. That said, it is my belief that you should stop swinging from the pubic hairs of my nutt sack.
...If you don't care about our opinions then

#1) Why did you bother coming here in the first place?
#2) Why haven't you fucked off already?
If you don't care about our opinions, why do you post an angry ten-line response to everyone who expresses one?

Don't bother trying to answer that (as if you would!) - the only reason you're still here is this: the fact that the vocal majority of us hate you gives you validation. That much is obvious, because you resort to that old addle-brained elitist-Untermann ego-bandage line: "The majority only like crap, so if everyone hates me, I must be great".

Still, I'd be happy for this thread to go on forever. I apologise for telling you to sod off. Feel free to swear a lot and mention your nutsack at this juncture. The fact that you keep on using that blunt little barb is quite funny, like watching a wasp headbutting the same spot on the window over and over again, thinking to himself "THIS time it'll work..."
FARL3SS said:
It will be interesting to see how you respond to this. If you decide to shrug it off with a simple, already-used insult, I wonder which it will be, considering you can't very well call me a computer nerd who posts all day since I only visit these boards every few weeks.

Yeah, perhaps you didn't realize how much time you spent posting this messege on my thread. You are indeed cheesy. I realized long ago that GREATNESS such as that of Fallhard will always be critisized. Especialy by people with nothing better to do.

You're right, I'm a cheesy dude with no life because I took a whopping 5 minutes out of my day to talk to you.

Good job ignoring my detailed and valid points, afraid that you can't come up with a decent arguement for them?
Your "points" are your sorry ass opinion why the fuck would I waste my time Posting a reply to a fucking complete chapter of some insignificant review. I understand that you five guys don't like my band I'm sure you won't be the only ones. However we have made more friends than enimies and have acomplished more than we originaly set out to. There are aprox. 6 billion people in the world today. We've already made a few hundred fans. So you guys keep tending to your awsome web sites and fallhard will continue with our buissiness. And keep in mind, if you still hate us at least youre thinking of us.
Fair dues - I have to give you some credit here, you believe in what you're doing and you're obviously passionate about it. It may not be to my tastes, or to the tastes of a few people here. As far as I'm concerned, tidy up your production, come up with more complex riffs and drop the clean singing and you'd be more interesting to me, but if you're happy with what you're doing, go for it. But seriously, learn to take criticism. If you should ever evolve to the point where your demos are getting reviewed in national mags or something, you can't respond with a bitchy comment and a mention of your nutsack every time someone says they aren't keen on some aspect of your music.
Look of course I don't like to hear critisizm. Who does? But first of all I hear it all the time. Some of my own friends and family make it a point to let me know that they think my band sucks. Like every thing else in this world there is always some kind of balance. I know that we are just another shitty band to you and alot of other people.
But we are honestly just trying to stay true to ourselves and make something that we can be proud of. Perhaps some of my reactions to differant posts could have been toned down but I honestly feel like I was just following thread protocal. You all post your opinions and I post mine. When I felt someone was hating I hated back. I really do respect all of your opinions and have even taken some of your suggestions into consideration. Although Im convinced that the outcome will still not be to your liking. I'll be back when we finish our full length CD..
FARL3SS said:
Your "points" are your sorry ass opinion why the fuck would I waste my time Posting a reply to a fucking complete chapter of some insignificant review. I understand that you five guys don't like my band I'm sure you won't be the only ones. However we have made more friends than enimies and have acomplished more than we originaly set out to. There are aprox. 6 billion people in the world today. We've already made a few hundred fans. So you guys keep tending to your awsome web sites and fallhard will continue with our buissiness. And keep in mind, if you still hate us at least youre thinking of us.

Well, if you can't come up with anything better to do than ignore my points out of not being able to counter them, I understand. :)

I don't hate you or your band and in fact this is the first time I've thought about you or your group since my last post.

Fans mean nothing, look at popular bands today, they aren't all there due to quality. :)

FARL3SS said:
Look of course I don't like to hear critisizm. Who does? But first of all I hear it all the time. Some of my own friends and family make it a point to let me know that they think my band sucks. Like every thing else in this world there is always some kind of balance. I know that we are just another shitty band to you and alot of other people.
But we are honestly just trying to stay true to ourselves and make something that we can be proud of. Perhaps some of my reactions to differant posts could have been toned down but I honestly feel like I was just following thread protocal. You all post your opinions and I post mine. When I felt someone was hating I hated back. I really do respect all of your opinions and have even taken some of your suggestions into consideration. Although Im convinced that the outcome will still not be to your liking. I'll be back when we finish our full length CD..

Well, if you are staying true to yourselves, then more power to you, I honestly and truely encourage you, however motives alone don't make me enjoy a group, sadly enough.
Fallhard really is fucking awful. Whenever those 'clean' vocals come in i laugh so hard i fall off my chair. Please god dont let these guys sign a record deal...it's bands like yours that are denying many incredible musicians a good career in the music industry. You're fucking awful, your lyrics are terrible, your vocals are fucking terrible, your guitaring is just...fuck it, it's shit, its all shit. I'm 17, i've been playing guitar for nearly 9 years, ive been working my arse off at it and can play pretty much everything you ask me to. I just hope to god that when the time comes and i try to make a decent living out of playing metal and being a session musician fucking lame arse shit like yours isnt in the way.

FARL3SS said:
Look of course I don't like to hear critisizm. Who does? But first of all I hear it all the time. Some of my own friends and family make it a point to let me know that they think my band sucks. Like every thing else in this world there is always some kind of balance. I know that we are just another shitty band to you and alot of other people.
But we are honestly just trying to stay true to ourselves and make something that we can be proud of. Perhaps some of my reactions to differant posts could have been toned down but I honestly feel like I was just following thread protocal. You all post your opinions and I post mine. When I felt someone was hating I hated back. I really do respect all of your opinions and have even taken some of your suggestions into consideration. Although Im convinced that the outcome will still not be to your liking. I'll be back when we finish our full length CD..
Hey look, were actually getting somewhere.

If you'd said all this shit earlier we could have saved alot of time. If staying true to yourself is what you care about, then so be it, you can only produce music you like. Still, I don't expect much from the outcome, but you can only learn through experience.
FARL3SS said:
I see from the bands on your half ass web site that all you listen to is DRAMACORE!

Do Iron Maiden, Children of Bodom, Cryptopsy, Nile, Nightwish and Dissection all fall under one genre, let alone this suggested one of 'Dramacore'?

What the fuck is dramacore, and how does that apply to the bands on my site?

I've been to some of these Theatrical metal shows and you know what I always seem to find? ...I'll tell you... ...a bunch of swinging dick and absoloutley zero females. This is just one of many reasons that Youre a fag, your whole scene is cheesy as fuck and I don't give a fuck if you don't like my band.

This seems to be evidence enough that you obviously weren't even at these shows for the music, if all you could notice was the crowd was "a bunch of swinging dick". What an utterly gay phrase!

You do not know my "scene".

And another thing - if you keep trying to assure everyone that you don't give a fuck what they think of your band,

a) why did you even start this lame thread
b) why do you put a link to your website and email in every post?

And please stop making references to your "nut sack". It is gay.
By the way, I've just been checking your site...it turns out that you are the vocalist! Well, either you or your brother.


Seriously, are those clean vocals some sort of joke?

And your 'mosh pit' looks really intense:


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