OUTWORLD performance at the Pre-Party


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Okay, someone PLEASEEEEEEEEE give me some info on OUTWORLD's performance last night at the pre-party. I was stuck in a stuffy office until 10:00am est in Andover Mass. and will be there tonight also, so pleaseeeeee someone drop me a line or two about their performance and also DC Cooper's.

Thanks alot
I heard both Outworld's and DC Cooper's sets over the phone last night and to say the least, they both floored the HELL out of me!!! Sounded crystal clear for both bands. Outworld is even 2 or 3 times heavier live than on cd and on cd they are already heavy! WOOT! They got quite the response as well. I think a bunch of the people didn't know who they were but dug them a lot anyway.

DC's acoustic set actually turned out quite cool. My buddy Henry was on drums (from Imagika). Wasn't sure how a lot of the songs would come off acoustically (apparently DC thought the same thing lol) but everything was very cool. I can't believe that all they did is practice downstairs for about 1/2 hour before the gig! Crazy shit. So happy that they both had great responses.
Damn, and i missed them both. Oh Well such is life, hopefully i will get to see OUTWORLD soon.
Pyramaze51 said:
Okay, someone PLEASEEEEEEEEE give me some info on OUTWORLD's performance last night at the pre-party. I was stuck in a stuffy office until 10:00am est in Andover Mass. and will be there tonight also, so pleaseeeeee someone drop me a line or two about their performance and also DC Cooper's.

Thanks alot

they were great
I very much enjoyed Outworld's pre-party show. To me I got "warm-fuzzies" because I normally see Kelly and Bobby passing through the halls of the Granada year after year. It was wild to see them up on stage putting on a great show.

I was impressed with Rusty's playing and purchased his solo cd.

Wonderful stuff.
Here's some photos of Rusty Cooley with Roger and Kevin:




Rusty's a FREAK guitar player. He's one of those guys that should be on the G3 tour. I've never seen a guy open a setlist with a song that should be the closing song! He comes out and just masturbates all over his fretboard with amazing technique and speed! How do you start a show playing something so complex? I'd think he would have needed a couple songs to warm up with first! Effortless. Simply effortless. And that 8-string guitar is just a work of engineering art. Stunning to see that thing played by him. EIGHT FUCKIN STRINGS, people! And he used them all!

He was humbled by all the people thanking him and shaking his hand afterwards. He told me he never thought he'd get this big of a reaction. This boy better hurry up with their album, cuz the demo they gave me is just not enough! We listened to it probably 6 times in a row before coming to the Friday show.
rockyracoon said:
i found the vocals to be dreadful, the riffs unimaginative, the solos boring and redundant, and lots of beer to be my only escape from the likes of outworld...

Wow... it must really suck to have lived your whole life not able to understand talent when you see it. :loco:
Regor said:
Wow... it must really suck to have lived your whole life not able to understand talent when you see it. :loco:

wow it must really suck to be a moron. did i say anything about talent? no. i explained how i saw/heard it from my perspective. just because im not into something doesnt mean anything in regards to who i think has talent or not. clearly my comments were in regards to personal preferences.