Overlorde Myspace page reaches milestone


Sep 13, 2004

Just wanted to share a cool milestone for Overlorde’s MySpace page.

www.myspace.com/overlorde, which was only launched in late July, received its 1,000th comment yesterday!

Pretty cool for such a short time, huh? Less than four months.

Some other stats…We have over 4,200 friends (fans, metalheads and metal bands only, no web cam girls, etc- well, not unless they are also a metalhead!). There have been over 10,000 page views. The first song we posted, SNOW GIANT, has had over 6,000 plays. HELL HATH NO FURY, which was just recently posted, has over 1,000 plays.

Here are some of the recent comments left by people (with some editing for language):

You guys rule, I bought your CD, "Return of The Snow Giant", and I am enjoying it very much. The guitar sound is tight and crisp, the bass RULES, the drums are manic and insane, and Bobby Lucas sounds more at home here than he ever did in Seven Witches(which is a compliment because I consider his work in Seven Witches albums classics.). Keep on playing loud and proud. – sewerhooligan

You know... The more I listen to "Return of the Snow Giant", the more I f**kin' LOVE IT! It is currently the most played CD out in the shop, ousting the mighty Motorhead (the very best of...) from that honorable position. Thank you for keeping METAL alive! - all used up…

Hell Hath No Fury and Snow Giant are f**king great guys. Catchy as hell, LOVE the vocal work on Snow Giant! It makes my proud to actually see some american power metal bands keeping it true. F**k all that metalcore bullshit- herman

What am i doing right now, f**kin head banging to ur sick ass music, Snow Giant rules!!!- benny baker

you guys hella sound like dio and manowar. f**kin rock on.- kyle

You Guys Are F**king Insane. Rock The F**k On! You Guys Sound Just Like Iron F**king Maiden. Kick Ass. Your Shit Sounds Great.- seek and destroy

OK, thanks for letting me share the good news… Happy Thanksgiving!
Congrats to Mark Edwards and Overlorde for the fan response to the MySpace page! *applauds*

I'm very proud to say I've been a fan of Overlorde since day one of hearing that the band had reunited and brought Bobby Lucas into the fold. The Return of the Snow Giant cd is in constant rotation both at home and in my truck. I could never grow tired of this true metal album. Thanks to the band for helping to show that metal is not dead in America!


I wish you nothing but success!

MEFlyingV said:
Yes, you are a FRIEND! :rock:

But no, you are not one of the thousand comments. You have never commented us (tsk, tsk). :(

Hey there Mark!!

I wasn't able to atned this year's fest. I did, however, have a buddy buy buy ROTSG and it kills!!!