OwnHammer beta testing!

Clark Kent

Jan 23, 2011
Dunno if there's anything officially announced out there but Kevin from OwnHammer has huge news coming up very soon. I'm a beta tester so here's an extremely quick song and mix test from today. No post processing on guitars. Axe-Fx Recto with everything set to noon and a Bogner SM57 impulse from.. what ever it is that is coming out. :grin:

You likey?
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Are Ownhammer releasing an Impulse loader/program like Recabinet? Sounds promising!

I don't completely know / am not allowed to say what the update will be but you'll know by Friday.

Sounds really stuffy/muffled in the top end; is that a settings issue?

It's a "got the impulse collection 3 hours prior the recording, wrote the riffs while recording, no post processing on guitars, no tweaking the Axe-Fx but everything at noon, 10min of mixing" -issue. :D

I had ten different positions for close mic'ing with SM57 and I chose #6 where #1 is the brightest (cap edge most likely) and #10 is darkest sounding.

Not a mix I'd be proud of but more so once again a great demonstration of how effortlessly OwnHammer impulses work.
Hey Clark that sounds pretty good! Could you provide more information about that track?
Is it double tracked or quad tracked?
Are you using an Axe-FX or Axe-FX II?
Is it the same amp with varying gain & fx for the different guitar parts or different amps?

Sounds pretty damn good! I agree with Jeff about the stuffy/muffled highs thing but with a few small tweaks I'm sure it would clear it up.To me it sounds nothing like a Axefx, I had one for 2 years. Very promising.
Hey Clark that sounds pretty good! Could you provide more information about that track?
Is it double tracked or quad tracked?
Are you using an Axe-FX or Axe-FX II?
Is it the same amp with varying gain & fx for the different guitar parts or different amps?


Sure, rhythm guitars are only double tracked. There's that lead thing going on behind the main riff so that's another two tracks ofcourse. This clip has the Axe-Fx Ultra with Recto New and ZERO tweaking... meaning that EQ and drive etc. are all at noon. The varying gain came out of me dropping the volume on my guitar. Those choppy fx are just the lead track cut into tiny pieces in the DAW.
Sounds pretty damn good! I agree with Jeff about the stuffy/muffled highs thing but with a few small tweaks I'm sure it would clear it up.To me it sounds nothing like a Axefx, I had one for 2 years. Very promising.

I noticed it too and after some newer tests I changed the mic position closer to the center. There are so many options here... which I can't tell about, but you'll see. :) So yes, these cabs sound amazing with my Axe-Fx at least. No tweaking needed.
Sounds really nice dude. Esp the slightly overdriven stuff. The high-gain really needs a little more highs and a little more lows for me, but it's a taste thing.
Yes, it has to do with that. I'll be posting in here in the next 24 hours with more details, and don't worry, it will be welcome news and not marketing spam.

FWIW, I had about an hour or less to re-amp/remix one of my website demo tracks today:


I recorded this 3 years ago on a now defunct box, so I only had old group stems to work with (e.g. bass, gits, and drums, no individual tracks (except bass)), so take it for what it is - not submitting as a mixing contest, nor do I really care what anybody has to say about it, like everything on the site at current it's just a quick 11th hour bare bones demo. ;)

Also remember this is primarily a rock cabinet, metal stuff comes in a few months. :)
which particular impulse are you guys using from the ownhammer beta impulse pack for distortion and clean? thanks