Ozzy or Alice Cooper?

johnnieCzech said:
Whoa dude...and some people say that British girls are lame! She could prove them wrong!
Yeah... but notice she's not showing her teeth. Could be a classic British smile behind that lipgloss.
DiscipleOfThePit said:
Just let's hope that Canadian girls are as good at keeping their mouths shut for the sake of our ears: horrendous accent.


If the accent your talking about is the "Bob & Doug Mackenzie" stereotypical Canadian accent then I agree! :lol: No offence to Newfies, but it's a horrible sounding accent imo! Thankfully only people on/from the east coast have that accent! That said Canadian girls are the most beautiful in the world! Of couse I'm biased!
strik9 said:
If the accent your talking about is the "Bob & Doug Mackenzie" stereotypical Canadian accent then I agree! :lol: No offence to Newfies, but it's a horrible sounding accent imo! Thankfully only people on/from the east coast have that accent! That said Canadian girls are the most beautiful in the world! Of couse I'm biased!

Pamela Anderson was alright back in the day I guess. Too much of a ho' for my liking.
