Ozzy: What do you think?

What do you think of Ozzy?

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Ozzy has never been anything special. I'd say "Hang it up!" 40 years ago however (aside from not being born 40 years ago) he has a habit of surrounding himself with awesome guitarists so as long as there's good music being cranked out I don't really care that it has his name tacked on the front of it.
First off, I respect his willingness to "soldier" on. But, let's be honest he WANTS the money. I saw BS back in 1972(with Ted Nugent) and Ozzy had the "voice" for BS back then. He carried his weight, but was certainly the weak link in the band. As I listened over the years to Ozzy, I always was left with the though, "this guy is one LUCKY fuck to be where he is in the music business." Now, I think Ozzy should just eat about 4 or 5 Vicodins, have about 14 beers, boot that sickening wife of his, along with his 2 talentless kids, and just go into a nod. Call it a day, Ozzy. Simply put, he's no longer relevant. I lost any/all respect for him when he did the horrid show "The Osbournes"