P.J. Shadowhawk

This is Kens site, He can Puke any time he wants..:D..( by the way I was a little disappionted in this cd) so maybe I should :Puke::Puke:

You're all entitled to Puke all you want, which is exactly what I said.

So being "a little disapointed" is worthy of a Puke? Doesn't anyone have anything constructive to say? Why don't you like Quasar? It's not Heavy Metal, granted, but is it really that bad?

I'm not sure you understand the purpose of this forum. Its not a "Heavy Metal" forum. It exists to discuss matters relating to our website - both content and function. It is purely a vehicle for our customers to have direct access to us and in so doing a broad range of topics are covered. One of the regulars inquired about us stocking P.J. Shadowhawk's album and that started this mess (thanks Bob!).

I have not heard from you in many years so I have no idea what you are talking about when you say that I didn't respond to your emails, since I never received any. My email address has never changed. I am always accessible at lasercd@aol.com. The last thing I remember was that you were some how involved with the Progressive International label. Its been so many years that I can't recall the details but I vaguely remember it wasn't pleasant as anything involving that label was suspect.

Everyone's taste changes over the years. Let's just say that for me The Lorelei didn't age very well. What might have interested me in 1989 could easily sound amateurish to me now. I understand that you still have Quasar together. I wish you continued success with the band. Please feel free to contribute to the forum.

Well, this has been interesting all round... It is I, PJ Shadowhawk. Seriously, all I ever wanted was to bring some beauty, some positive vibes, some good music to the world before I check out. Those of you who know my story know to what I am referring... For the rest of you, here it is: I have Lupus. It is killing me slowly and last year about this time it got pretty bad... so bad that I had no real choice but to leave Quasar... I could no longer endure the strain of live performing. - So, I produced this CD, "Land of Dreams"... I put my soul into it, and I won't pretend it doesn't sting when someone calls it a "trainwreck"... especially only 3 days after the release. I personally feel my music is superb, but I am of course being subjective. I can only wish that people would listen to it before making harsh and dismissive judgements. But, that said, if you really don't like it, I understand. Not everyone hears even the greatest of music the same way... some people appreciate Mozart, some don't. -- Now, as to Quasar and Gabriel Bondage... I quite enjoyed my time playing with those folks. I do like the music from both bands, some songs more than others, but in general, I enjoyed being part of it, so thanks Rex and thanks Keith for giving me the opportunity to play with you guys. And I am sorry that somehow this mess got started because of me... I guess that's what I get for trying to bring peace and love to the world... I hear they nailed some guy to a tree for doing that a while ago... Can't we all just get along?

I would be proud if Ken decides he wants to sell some of my CDs, but until then, I want everyone to know they can get the CD thru Amazon, iTunes, CDBaby, Digstation and a myriad of other download sites. I know it's a shameless plug, still after getting beaten up in this forum, I hope you'll all forgive me.
And what email was that? The last email I received from you was on July 3rd at 9:35 am. I responded at 10:11.

You have me confused with someone else since my e-mail was about my last order that was placed June 4th and my e-mail was June 7th...

There was no response to it...
One of the regulars inquired about us stocking P.J. Shadowhawk's album and that started this mess (thanks Bob!).

Well, perhaps it was not the inquiy that started this.

The last thing I remember was that you were some how involved with the Progressive International label.

If, by involved with, you mean they pressed and sold our CDs, that's true. But they sold a little over 17,000 CDs in the US, which in the Prog world is pretty damn good. But they went bust anyway, Lazers Edge is still going!

I understand that you still have Quasar together. I wish you continued success with the band. Please feel free to contribute to the forum.

Thanks for the good wishes, and I will hope that this inappropriate use of your forum will stop, at least from me.

Now I'm going to listen to all the Lazers Edge Label Artists to have an opinion of what Prog is like here!

Keith (Quasar)
I was very possitive in the beginning About stocking this cd Rememmber.... Read the first post....( so dont blame Me):D