May 5, 2003
New news from the label on what is available pressing-wise and territory wise:

"I think there is a little confusion with the CD editons.
We will release the following editions:

U.S. and Europe:
regular CD with censored artwork (no nipples, no slipcase *) with 11 tracks, release 9.11.07, in the USA 15.01.08

U.S. and Europe: limited edition 2-CD with uncensored (with nipples) artwork on booklet and without nipples on slipcase with 11 tracks on 1st CD and 6 tracks + video + wallpapers on 2nd CD, release 9.11.07, in the USA 15.01.08 (I think what they are saying is the the outside will be sensored slip sleeve with the more explicit cover inside, maintaining the unviewable from the shelves of stores. Thus, this limited will be the only version with the explicit cover.)

Japan: regular CD with censored artwork (no nipples, no slipcase) with 12 tracks for release in Japan (unfortunately Marquee/Avalon don’t want to release the album in Japan, we are already looking for another company)

* only the ltd. 2-CD has the uncensored artwork. So it will become a real collectors item one day." (End of quote)

So this is the latest. Remember, when you see a date of "9.11.07", in europe that means "11.9.07". Preorders for the limited will happen in November. The limited edition will be 4,000 copies in pressing as with all of Limb's limited titles and they will sell out fast, usually within 3-6 months.

This information is fed to us realtime and changes do occur and are likely when you talk of titles not being released for 3-4 months. We only report what the label or management states on all titles. This should be a breath of fresh air to everyone so now each individual has the chance to get the one he/she wants, or both. If you order the limited early, there should be no problem getting it. But again, limited editions are there for a reason and not everyone gets one.
(763) 391-9344
Would that mean I'd have to change my pre-order to get that limited 2 cd edition uncensored? Or am I gonna get it anyway?
Yep especially since the USA reg jewel pre-order was pictured with the UNCENSORED Ltd Edition cover.

One of many reasons I dont get into the whole pre-order baiting.

Also dont know why you'd give a PAYING CUSTOMER an attitude for asking a legit question. Remember shop customers = no shop. Dont want the hassle dont toss up CD's for sale months in advanced w/o knowing what versions you're dealing with.