Pagans Mind Singer Joins Eidolon


Mar 3, 2004
The Triiiaaannnnggggle
Being a fan of the last two Eidolon discs but not too keen on their singer, I can only see this as a great step to a more powerful sound. And on the braveboard, Shawn Drover posted that Rue was also remaining in PM.

From BWBK:
EIDOLON Part Ways With Singer, Announce Replacement [Hot Flashes - 04.05.31 12:05:44]

EIDOLON drummer Shawn Drover has issued the following band update:

“This update is to inform that we have decided to part ways with our singer, Pat Mulock for reasons of both a musical and personal nature. I express no interest in giving any childish, gory details or go into any specifics as to why we have decided to take this path - it simply wasn't working for us anymore on a musical level mostly, so in all fairness to the band, a change is necessary at this point in time - we do wish Pat luck on his future musical endeavors.

So once again we are left with the arduous position of trying to find a new "family" member, as it were - A task ( and I think I speak for Glen and Adrian here as well ) that we are not fond of. At this juncture of the game finding the "right guy for the job" one who expresses the same musical goals as well as sharing the same outlook on this retarded business and NOT be disillusional about it is not an easy thing - we certainly don't do this for money - if we did, we certainly are playing the wrong type of music!!!!!!!!!!! We do this for completely selfish reasons, which to me, is the ONLY reason to play music - to express ourselves in a genuine fashion and not bow to any pathetic trends - in the end, we do this for ourselves first and hope to expand our fan base with each release.

As well, the "right" vocalist has to be great in all facets - melodic, wide range of vocal styles, great frontman and one who can rip your face off in a live setting - in other words, a complete pro!!!!!! Unfortunately - this type of vocalist does not grow on trees here in North America - Europe however, is a different story, so we decided to try a different approach in finding who we were looking for...

It didn't take too long to figure out who we wanted to fill this position. Since late December, Glen and myself have been working on a record called Dimension Infinite which also features three members of a band called PAGANS MIND, who, in my opinion, are a fantastic metal-progish style band from Norway (great guys as well, actually) their singer - Nils K. Rue is lending his talents for this record, in which he, Ronni and Steinar (bass and keyboards, respectively) are currently working on as I write this.

After seeing Pagans Mind last fall at Progpower festival, I was blown away on how great of a live performer Nils was - something that now has played a part on us approaching him to become the new singer for EIDOLON. In my opinion, Nils has all the elements of what we want in a great singer, so after contacting him and offering him the "job", I am happy to say that Nils K. Rue is now the new vocalist for EIDOLON!!!!!!

We are very excited about the future of the band, and we are very much looking forward to start recording the next Eidolon record, which will happen in early fall-2004!!!!!!!!!

Cheers, Shawn - Eidolon.”
....I can say that this is something I wanted to see happen to Eidolon when I first heard them... but what does the Pagan's Mind camp have to say about it? "We were looking for a new singer too"? "They stole our man!"? They pissed? They cool about it? Just wondering...
Eidolon bores me. Their overall sound has a cool vibe to it, but the songs just don't grab me. Part of the reason was their monotone singer and the overall lack of melody his voice delivered. Nils is definitely a huge upgrade. I'm assuming his primary band will still be the vastly superior Pagan's Mind.

General Zod said:
Eidolon bores me. Their overall sound has a cool vibe to it, but the songs just don't grab me. Part of the reason was their monotone singer and the overall lack of melody his voice delivered. Nils is definitely a huge upgrade. I'm assuming his primary band will still be the vastly superior Pagan's Mind.

I agree. If Pagans Mind is able to duplicate the quality of their last release or even better, improve on it they could be an incredible band. The elements are there if the songwriting remains. Excellent musicians (to include vocalist)..............

:tickled: :tickled: :tickled:


Rakosh - You just MADE MY DAY, dude....

Thanks for the info!!!

(with just one album, I've become a NUT about Pagan's Mind... and HATE when I band I get into that quickly has something happen like a lineup change...)
Burke said:
:tickled: :tickled: :tickled:


Rakosh - You just MADE MY DAY, dude....

Thanks for the info!!!

(with just one album, I've become a NUT about Pagan's Mind... and HATE when I band I get into that quickly has something happen like a lineup change...)
:tickled: Glad I could help! I know exactly what you mean.
