Pain of Salvation - Road Salt

Well, I listened to all the samples. Not taken in by most of them, but the clips are too short for me to really get the feel of them. Here's first impressions:

"No Way" like the melody and keyboards. Hated the plaintive vocals. Really grated on me.
"Sisters" very grandiose. Sounds overly so in a short clip. Need to hear full version.
"She Likes to Hide" bluesy. A Black Crows kind of feel. Has potential.
"Darkness Of Mine" slow, dark and passionate. Will appeal to POS fans; not my style.
"Innocence" Like this one. Good guitar feel. More upbeat, but still that POS ethereal thing.

Overall, I'm sure POS fans will love it. I still just can't really get them. Too dreary and emo for me.