Pain of Salvation

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At first I also thought it was a joke in starting over. It did not look good on him or the band for a while, especially when the PA turned back on. It has the look of douchey/divaesque; however, they won me over with the performance.

Interesting you should say that as I too thought the PoS restart was part of the show and had been planned. It seemed a novel way to increase the anticipation for the actual performance. However, now that I know the long delay was because they were upset about something, then that puts Jon Oliva's comment on stage about not taking things too seriously into better perspective. It is understandable that they wanted their performance to be as flawless as possible. However, once the technical issues had been resolved they should have come out to perform rather than shoveling out a pile of steaming retribution by extending their delay. Artists can certainly be temperamental, and our thanks go to Glenn for his patience in working with all of them in order to bring us the greatest metal festival in North America!

Update: I should add that once they finally started to play, it was worth the wait.
I do not fault the band in the slightest for the do-over.

I'm glad to hear that for lots of reasons. I am sorry to see that this situation has fomented such anger in so many, though. Because ultimately it was a 1-2 punch of incredible sets to round out an incredible PPUSA.
I'm glad to hear that for lots of reasons. I am sorry to see that this situation has fomented such anger in so many, though. Because ultimately it was a 1-2 punch of incredible sets to round out an incredible PPUSA.

This. It did rub me the wrong way at the time, but miscommunication from time to time happen and is an understandable cost of doing business in live entertainment... particularly in the chaos of a changeover between with two frantic crews. I just wish we all had a better idea at the time, because it certainly colored at least part of the performance for many, myself included.

- Chris
Our plan was to skip the POS set. We even left the venue for dinner and came back an hour later just in time to see it all go down. My friend kept telling me "these guys are f***ing awful" after the first song or two, buy I wanted to at least give them the 3-song test before leaving; I at least obliged him that we go sit in the seats. And then things steadily improved. The emotions were there, the skill was apparent, the vocal harmonies outstanding. I was starting to see the light. By the time it was done, I was pretty much converted. I'm not running out and buying all the CD's, but DG certainly has my respect for what he put out there in that set, along with the rest of the band (which I read later is pretty much new guys). Even my friend had to chalk it up to them after their show was complete. Kudos for a job well done.
I cannot believe some of the comments I am seeing regarding this set.

Please keep in mind that 25 minutes to change over two bands is a ridiculously short amount of time. About the same amount of time is takes to shower, wash your privates and apply deodorant. Hint, motherfucking hint some of you.

It is seriously and act of God that you get any kind of decent mix out front, let alone a workable monitor mix onstage for the performers in such a short period of time. Of course if changeover time was extended, just how much wailing and gnashing of teeth would there be? Oh my, you might have time to walk out to get a slice instead of bitching about the mark-up at the venue. But where's the fun in that if you can't be complaining?

And nothing could be funnier than hearing a some prog/power fans call someone ELSE arrogant and douchey. Seriously? The amount of hand-holding and stroking some fans feel they deserve is unreal. It's like saying "Oh, Mr. Manager my $300 steak dinner doesn't taste good anymore because the waiter had an attitude. He should have given me a back rub and a rim job."

And you know what kills me? Knowing how nervous the band was beforehand hoping to impress some of you. Why even bother? I know this doesn't apply to everyone but I've never heard a group of more self-entitled people complaining about a situation they have not nor will ever experience. The level of expectations placed on certain artists, their attitudes and behavior is beyond unrealistic. Since when does a performer have to have the diplomacy and tact of a world leader? Granted, it could have been handled better, not so serious and with a sense of humor but for fucks sake, have any of you even considered what it must feel like to stand up there knowing you are not going to be able to deliver your best under the circumstances? How frustrated and angry you might feel? Expecting him to say that in just the right way to soothe some of your fragile and narrow perceptions of how musicians should behave is ludicrous.

Had he chosen to "soldier on" and just give hand signals the rest of the set, there's a very good chance the problems would not have been solved at all and then everyone would be complaining about the performance. It is so awful to hear some people complaining about Daniel's attitude when the performance was FLAWLESS. They were perfect, four part harmonies dead on and that simply doesn't happen with a messed up monitor mix.

This isn't a case of, "Hey, can you bring me up more in the monitor?" there was something seriously wrong, wrong enough to have to stop and start over again. If any of you have ever played in a band before, this is something that rarely if ever happens and in the unlikely case it does it is excruciatingly embarrassing. If you are driving a long road trip and you are out of oil or your tire falls off, you have to fix it, the car is not drivable and that is the situation they were in.

As far as the comparisons to Oliva. Seriously? I won't even begin to dissect all the ways this is wrong but just consider this:

Oliva goes on first. He has an insurmountable monitor problem and shouts, "Hold it! I can't hear SHIT motherfuckers!! Harverster I want another grand and we are starting over. And shut these goddamn curtains and give me some fucking FOG motherfuckers!!" They walk off to peals of laughter. Later Daniel comes out and says, "Now that the bullshit is over..." 15 seconds later he would have been nailed to a cross at the Artmore and set on fire.

And finally, one of the sentiments I heard over and over again from attendees about this festival is that the main reason we go, beyond the music even- it's for the sense of community, the sense of being together with like-minded, good hearted people. The idea that anywhere we go in Atlanta we have a reputation for being friendly, kind people. Well not so much here, people. Not so fucking much.
I cannot believe some of the comments I am seeing regarding this set.

Please keep in mind that 25 minutes to change over two bands is a ridiculously short amount of time. About the same amount of time is takes to shower, wash your privates and apply deodorant. Hint, motherfucking hint some of you.

It is seriously and act of God that you get any kind of decent mix out front, let alone a workable monitor mix onstage for the performers in such a short period of time. Of course if changeover time was extended, just how much wailing and gnashing of teeth would there be? Oh my, you might have time to walk out to get a slice instead of bitching about the mark-up at the venue. But where's the fun in that if you can't be complaining?

And nothing could be funnier than hearing a some prog/power fans call someone ELSE arrogant and douchey. Seriously? The amount of hand-holding and stroking some fans feel they deserve is unreal. It's like saying "Oh, Mr. Manager my $300 steak dinner doesn't taste good anymore because the waiter had an attitude. He should have given me a back rub and a rim job."

And you know what kills me? Knowing how nervous the band was beforehand hoping to impress some of you. Why even bother? I know this doesn't apply to everyone but I've never heard a group of more self-entitled people complaining about a situation they have not nor will ever experience. The level of expectations placed on certain artists, their attitudes and behavior is beyond unrealistic. Since when does a performer have to have the diplomacy and tact of a world leader? Granted, it could have been handled better, not so serious and with a sense of humor but for fucks sake, have any of you even considered what it must feel like to stand up there knowing you are not going to be able to deliver your best under the circumstances? How frustrated and angry you might feel? Expecting him to say that in just the right way to soothe some of your fragile and narrow perceptions of how musicians should behave is ludicrous.

Had he chosen to "soldier on" and just give hand signals the rest of the set, there's a very good chance the problems would not have been solved at all and then everyone would be complaining about the performance. It is so awful to hear some people complaining about Daniel's attitude when the performance was FLAWLESS. They were perfect, four part harmonies dead on and that simply doesn't happen with a messed up monitor mix.

This isn't a case of, "Hey, can you bring me up more in the monitor?" there was something seriously wrong, wrong enough to have to stop and start over again. If any of you have ever played in a band before, this is something that rarely if ever happens and in the unlikely case it does it is excruciatingly embarrassing. If you are driving a long road trip and you are out of oil or your tire falls off, you have to fix it, the car is not drivable and that is the situation they were in.

As far as the comparisons to Oliva. Seriously? I won't even begin to dissect all the ways this is wrong but just consider this:

Oliva goes on first. He has an insurmountable monitor problem and shouts, "Hold it! I can't hear SHIT motherfuckers!! Harverster I want another grand and we are starting over. And shut these goddamn curtains and give me some fucking FOG motherfuckers!!" They walk off to peals of laughter. Later Daniel comes out and says, "Now that the bullshit is over..." 15 seconds later he would have been nailed to a cross at the Artmore and set on fire.

And finally, one of the sentiments I heard over and over again from attendees about this festival is that the main reason we go, beyond the music even- it's for the sense of community, the sense of being together with like-minded, good hearted people. The idea that anywhere we go in Atlanta we have a reputation for being friendly, kind people. Well not so much here, people. Not so fucking much.

Thanks, Paul.

I tried my best to keep out of this, as I am involved both with the festival and with the band. All I'm going to say is that it wasn't Pain of Salvation's fault, and it wasn't the festival's crew fault. The best part is that even Glenn says that himself on his last post.

Those of you who choose to crucify Daniel and the band for the do-over and call this "elitist, arrogant attitude" are silly little people who just don't have a clue. Daniel could've worded it better, sure. But until you know what was going on, shut the fuck up.

Done with the subject.
Thanks, Paul.

I tried my best to keep out of this, as I am involved both with the festival and with the band. All I'm going to say is that it wasn't Pain of Salvation's fault, and it wasn't the festival's crew fault. The best part is that even Glenn says that himself on his last post.

Those of you who choose to crucify Daniel and the band for the do-over and call this "elitist, arrogant attitude" are silly little people who just don't have a clue. Daniel could've worded it better, sure. But until you know what was going on, shut the fuck up.

Done with the subject.

I vote that everyone shuts the fuck up on the subject. Thread closed.
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