Pain of Salvation's Mind Over Body


Jan 11, 2006
So I first listened to this band called Mindflow, on Just the Two of Us...Me and Them. I thought they sounded pretty good, but wasn't amazed. Then Texas Madfest gets them and my interest went up. I figure hey they got to be good. Heard lots of acclaim about their new album but hadn't checked it out.

So today (as in 8 minutes ago) I started to listen to Mind Over Body. I swear if I didn't know better I'd think that Pain of Salvation moved to South America and went back to a heavier sound.

Are they ripping off Pain of Salvation's style with this album? I don't know yet. I'm only on the first song. But I do like it... even if I feel a little dirty (since I love Pain of Salvation of so much anybody that has such obvious rips and still liking it makes me feel a tad dirty...). It definitely seems to be an improvement over their previous album.

I'll probably feel like a dumbass by the time this album is done, but I'll add more thoughts when its done or something...
Well I guess you're talking about Mind Over Body :lol:. There is a pretty clear similarity to PoS, and they did discover PoS between the recording of the two albums, so I'm sure there's at least a little bit of an influence.
Yep. Mind Over Body. Maybe Mr. UltimateMetal will nicely change the title of the thread for me ;P

Well, that's interesting that they discovered them in between. Now on track 3 and still hearing it. But I really like this. A lot more than their first album. Be a cool band to see/listen to live.
Hmmm, now I'm intrigued. I got Just the Two of Us ... at PP, and while I think it's OK, I have not been blown away. Good crunchy sound, relatively weak vocals, and a bit too much filler. But even on that CD, I do hear some parts that sound very PoS-ish. It's good to hear that the second CD is better and even more PoS oriented, because that makes it more likely that I'll give it a try!

On the other hand, I also remember all the talk about how Wastefall was very PoS-ish. And while that was mostly true, I never was able to get into Wastefall very much.

So I first listened to this band called Mindflow, on Just the Two of Us...Me and Them. I thought they sounded pretty good, but wasn't amazed. Then Texas Madfest gets them and my interest went up. I figure hey they got to be good. Heard lots of acclaim about their new album but hadn't checked it out.

So today (as in 8 minutes ago) I started to listen to Mind Over Body. I swear if I didn't know better I'd think that Pain of Salvation moved to South America and went back to a heavier sound.

Are they ripping off Pain of Salvation's style with this album? I don't know yet. I'm only on the first song. But I do like it... even if I feel a little dirty (since I love Pain of Salvation of so much anybody that has such obvious rips and still liking it makes me feel a tad dirty...). It definitely seems to be an improvement over their previous album.

I'll probably feel like a dumbass by the time this album is done, but I'll add more thoughts when its done or something...

I dig 'em, and Mind Over Body is a great CD. They were the reason I went to Madfest and they didn't disappoint:headbang:
From Mindflow, I can get what PoS doesn't give me lately:cry:
Hmmm, now I'm intrigued. I got Just the Two of Us ... at PP, and while I think it's OK, I have not been blown away. Good crunchy sound, relatively weak vocals, and a bit too much filler. But even on that CD, I do hear some parts that sound very PoS-ish. It's good to hear that the second CD is better and even more PoS oriented, because that makes it more likely that I'll give it a try!

On the other hand, I also remember all the talk about how Wastefall was very PoS-ish. And while that was mostly true, I never was able to get into Wastefall very much.

Ken, what Wastefall have you heard? The newest one,(Self Exile), Is a let down IMHO. If you've heard Soulrain and didn't like that, then they are not for you.
I think you'll like this one Metalprof. This one separates them from the Dream Theater progmetal pack, even if it means moving close to the Pain of Salvation outlier. Its worth picking up for fans of that style.
Glad for all the kind words for my Brothers from a different Country. These guys are awesome musicians and friends. While yes there is a little PoS influnence MINDFLOW does have their own unique sound, and in a live environment WOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW they are amazing, They will be entering the studio next month for the beginnings of their third CD which will be released in late spring or mid summer, followed by another US and European Tour. No dates as of yet, but i will keep you informed.
Mind Over Body is a brilliant album. Y'all gotta see the packaging and booklet for the album, it's artwork in itself!

Are they ripping off Pain of Salvation's style with this album? I don't know yet. I'm only on the first song. But I do like it... even if I feel a little dirty (since I love Pain of Salvation of so much anybody that has such obvious rips and still liking it makes me feel a tad dirty...). It definitely seems to be an improvement over their previous album.

In this day and age, it's impossible for any band to be 100% original and not sound like X or Y bands, or sound like they're ripping off a riff from another band cuz there's ONLY 12 NOTES anyone can use! Eventually, every riff possible will be / has been written. Hell... we wrote a riff, only to discover another band had a song with a veeeery similar riff. Not even of the metal genre.
Personal opinion...Mindflow is boring.The songs have too much fat on 'em.Trim 'em up and lose 20 minutes of the disc and you may have something...until then,blah.The packaging is brilliant,and overall for a secong disc the whole concept is grandiose,but they just haven't gotten it all together yet
There's a shop by me that has several Mindflow albums for a buck each. The name was familiar, but I can't tell if it's the same band (just from looking at the packages, they look like rock & roll albums).

I liked Wastefall a lot. Soulrain21 is way better than Self-Exile, but they still have promise.

I do currently find Dark Suns to be, far and away, the best of the "PoS-inspired" pack of bands. Highly awaiting their album that is supposed to be out around the turn of 07/08.
Personal opinion...Mindflow is boring.The songs have too much fat on 'em.Trim 'em up and lose 20 minutes of the disc and you may have something...until then,blah.The packaging is brilliant,and overall for a secong disc the whole concept is grandiose,but they just haven't gotten it all together yet

I totally Agree. I think every single song on the album is way too long... I can't really get into them for the same reason... They have potential, but I can't listen to their album entirely....I will take PoS over them any day of the week...
Songs that are too long? :lol: So what! The way this album progresses (and it truly does 'progress'), each song has 3 or 4 different ideas blended into each one. So while each song song is quite long, it's like listening to several different ones seamlessly sewn together over 1 track.

As for PoS ripoffs? Well, no one seems to have a problem with other bands sounding similar to eachother. I've heard Edguy get compared to Gamma Ray many times.. Dreamscape to Dream Theater... there are bound to be upcoming bands influenced by the older bands that helped define the genres. The thing that sets some bands apart from that is if they can take their influences and add their own creativity on top to help continue advancing the genre, instead of being boring clones that bring nothing new to the table. MindFlow add their own elements to the material and have set themselves apart in my book. I'm really looking forward to the new CD from MindFlow.. I guarantee I'll like it better than the latest PoS. :cool:
Mindflow were great at TX MadFest and were really cool people, too. Yes, they have a decent PoS influence and they've covered "Rope Ends" (I think it was) at shows....really wish they'd done it in Texas, actually. I like Mind Over Body a great deal.
As for PoS ripoffs? Well, no one seems to have a problem with other bands sounding similar to eachother.

Actually a lot of people have problems with other bands sounding very similar to another.

But anyhow, its a good album in its own right.
Ken, what Wastefall have you heard? The newest one,(Self Exile), Is a let down IMHO. If you've heard Soulrain and didn't like that, then they are not for you.

I've heard both. Soulrain 21 had a great concept and a few tracks that I really liked (such as Stunned to the World), but taken as a whole, I was not drawn back to repeated listens to anything but a few specific songs. Same with Self Exile, but for that one when I look at the track list I can't remember which one was my favorite.

Actually a lot of people have problems with other bands sounding very similar to another.

I'm firmly in the "If they sound similar to a band I like, then I'm all for it!" camp. Since Pain of Salvation won't release 2 or 3 CDs a year, if there are a couple of other bands that could *successfully* capture the PoS sound and make me go all gushy like I do when listening to, say, Remedy Lane or Entropia, then I say: bring it on!!
