Pain of Salvation's Remedy Lane - The Ultimate Thread

I don't DISlike Road Salt I or II - about half of the songs grew on me after a while. Same with Scarsick. The sound changed far too dramatically for me to be as interested as I was, but there's still a lot of good stuff on both albums, so I can't discount them completely.

But it's also extremely common, for me anyway, to only REALLY like a certain 3-4 album period in the discography of most bands who have 5-6+ discs. PoS is only one of many bands who fall into that category for me.
Remedy Lane is a wonderful disc, as is all of the first 4 PoS discs. I did not like the "acoustic live" album that followed at all, and Be is not really my cup of tea either. Scarsick was okay but not a 100% perfect disc in my opinion. However, both Road Salt albums kick major ass. I think they are a truly "progressive" move forward for a band that definitely did not choose to stay in same box they had been in ...
I don't think you can really convince anyone of the merits of this album. This album is easily one of the most genuinely powerful emotional albums of all time. The depth of the lyrics and the sincerity of emotions help make a powerful connection with those who love this album. Yes, I think the music and Daniel's singing are amazing. But what makes this a top ten album all time for me is both the concept and the emotional range on the album. It turns from melancholy, to romantic and to tragic on a dime. I know for some people that is not why they put on music, especially in a genre (which I absolutely love) where often lyrical maturity and depth can be measured in a thimble.

Again, I get that it is not everyone's cup of tea. But I would recommend those that are interested really sit down with it and perhaps the lyrics (like we did when we were teens back from the record store). It is probably something not initially best experienced on the computer while you are working or in bits in pieces in the car. I would say, give it this chance. Sure, you still may not dig it, but I think at least you tried to under optimum conditions.
Well said. It's one of the reason I'm a fan of PoS, rather than the progressive metal genre. There are few bands that have this kind of genuine emotion and grit in their music.

On the topic of the Road Salt albums- I think it's probably their best and most mature work to date both lyrically and musically. I think I've listened to RSII just about everyday since it came out. I remember doing the same with Remedy Lane back when it was released. ;)
I don't want to get off topic too much with discussion of Road Salt, but I enjoy them both (RS2 more so). I could make a stellar single disc of out them and the Linoleum ep. Having said that, I am ready for them to evolve their sound again. I am done with the retro stuff. Unlike others, I am not wanting them to go back to their early sound either, I want them to try something new every album.
I bought Road Salt and it didn't do much for me. This is better?

I would say better without question.

HOWEVER, the more accurate way to answer that is "it's completely and absolutely different and you can't really compare them any more than you can compare John Denver to Metallica." Except for being able to recognize the vocals as being the same guy, you likely wouldn't guess that the same band put out both albums.

I'd call Road Salt a pretty good 70s blues-based rock album with *occasional* progressive flourishes, if any.

Remedy Lane, and the 3 albums before it (Entropia, One Hour by the Concrete Lake, and The Perfect Element, Pt. 1), are all prog-metal masterpieces. My personal favorite of the four changes pretty much every time I listen to one of them.

Keep in mind that *NONE* of them are easy listens (ie. you likely won't love them on first or even second listen….give at least 5 or 6 before even attempting to decide if you like it).

I have a friend who got OHBTCL at the same time I did and didn't care for it. Didn't hate it, but didn't like it much, either.

A full *YEAR* later, he sent an email basically saying, "Hey, remember that OHBTCL CD? It's now one of my absolute favorite albums."

The biggest thing I'd suggest with any of their CDs is to listen through at least *once* while reading along with the lyrics. If you don't really understand what he's singing, you're missing half of the magic.


I first got Remedy Lane when my wife was pregnant with our first child.

Do you really need me to go on????????????

This is an amazing album, and you guys know I am not too big on prog metal.

This will be a very cool performance indeed.

Interesting. I thought you hated PoS.
Interesting. I thought you hated PoS.

I swear to Christ, you and Jason need to make out. You liteally respond to every comment he makes about himself or his tastes. He does the same thing to you. Almost as if one "knows all there is to know about each other."

It used to be the Jasonic-Diabolik bitchy back and forths. Ladies and gentlemen, I present you "The Jason and Simon Show".
I think in concert, they will be very emotional like everyone is saying. They aren't going to be the band that hits you with the most power or aggressive energy. It's more likely to have a calming effect. I think about 40% of the audience will be bored to death, but I will love hearing this band, and especially this album.

Have you ever seen PoS live. I wouldn't call it "calming."
Have you ever seen PoS live. I wouldn't call it "calming."

I haven't yet! And that's part of why I'm so stoked for next year. I missed out on seeing them prior to their embargo and they haven't come within striking distance since. This year, though...sweet success. And with their strongest album in its entirety no less.
I swear to Christ, you and Jason need to make out. You liteally respond to every comment he makes about himself or his tastes. He does the same thing to you. Almost as if one "knows all there is to know about each other."

It used to be the Jasonic-Diabolik bitchy back and forths. Ladies and gentlemen, I present you "The Jason and Simon Show".

:lol: I just remember him having a "zzzzzzz" comment when I went to see them earlier this year.
I think in concert, they will be very emotional like everyone is saying. They aren't going to be the band that hits you with the most power or aggressive energy. It's more likely to have a calming effect. I think about 40% of the audience will be bored to death, but I will love hearing this band, and especially this album.

Actually, it's the exact opposite. PoS goes apeshit on stage.
The melodies and unique tone on Remedy Lane album is pretty special stuff. They have a unique feel to any other stuff that came out 10 years ago.


skyflare said:
I'm not really into religious stuff, but they seem to make it entertaining in a way that isn't trying to preach, and I think it's a good thing if bands put out lyrics with thought-provoking / inspirational / positive ideas rather then the regular metal lyrics.

Where the hell did you take the slight idea that Pain of Salvation (let alone Remedy Lane) is a religious themed album/concept? That's one of the most absurd things I've ever read about POS!!!

skyflare said:
I notice the songs on Remedy Lane are extremely heavy. They seem to play with a endless half-time kind of dragging feel - never going into full on mad blast beats or progressive breakdowns.

For the most part, absolutely!

skyflare said:
Very nice little guitar elements come in, and then they play with hard and soft textures on the vocals and overall mix. It so much more about the space, and the feel, then any kind of technical obsession.

Indeed. But Pain of Salvation is still a highly technical band, even on Remedy Lane.

skyflare said:
The vocals on Pain of Salvation albums border on being a rap song sometimes, which seems to be something the singer enjoys doing on multiple albums. I'd probably argue if there is any weakness to their music, it is when the singing becomes focused on percussive rap "talking" without concern for pitch, but the singing is otherwise good. I'm sure its fun for him to express himself in different ways like that.

Hmmmm... no.

skyflare said:
I think in concert, they will be very emotional like everyone is saying. They aren't going to be the band that hits you with the most power or aggressive energy. It's more likely to have a calming effect. I think about 40% of the audience will be bored to death, but I will love hearing this band, and especially this album.

I don't think you've ever seen Pain of Salvation, otherwise you'd know their set has NOTHING "calming" about it. They go nuts on stage, even on their acoustic performances. I think way more than 60% will be into it. PoS' energy on stage (for a prog band) is second to none (and I don't just mean moving around on stage, there's a lot more to it than that.
The vocals on Pain of Salvation albums border on being a rap song sometimes, which seems to be something the singer enjoys doing on multiple albums. I'd probably argue if there is any weakness to their music, it is when the singing becomes focused on percussive rap "talking" without concern for pitch, but the singing is otherwise good. I'm sure its fun for him to express himself in different ways like that.

Huh? The only time I've heard any similarity to rap vocals is on a few tracks from Scarsick but no. I love his vocals. It's very refreshing as he sounds much different than pretty much any prog, let alone any metal band.
:lol: I just remember him having a "zzzzzzz" comment when I went to see them earlier this year.

There are a lot of bands who overall I don't care for, but have some great albums. Most of them probably are in the prog metal genre, and Remedy Lane is one of those examples. Great album. But yes, overall, I do not care too much for PoS. Though this was a thread specifically on Remedy Lane, so I, being a good boy, commented on my thoughts of JUST this album.
There is no way any music as an art form can get more emotionally intense as this part of the song Undertow imo :

Let me drain!
Let me die!
Let me break the things I love I need to cry!
Let me burn it all!
Let me take my fall!
Through the cleansing fire!
Now let me die!
Let me die...

Let me out
Let me fade into that pitch-black velvet night
Intro + Of Two Beginnings + Ending Theme

(Live in Rio De Janeiro, 2011. I wanna see ProgPower USA be louder than they were)

'Nuff said.
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I haven't yet! And that's part of why I'm so stoked for next year. I missed out on seeing them prior to their embargo and they haven't come within striking distance since. This year, though...sweet success. And with their strongest album in its entirety no less.

Yeah.. there are any number of live PoS videos on Youtube, and I'm pretty sure none of them would be called calming..

It's taking me a while, but I'm really getting into Remedy Lane now - it's challenging for sure, because it has so many influences musically, but I'm starting to really feel it. And luckily, I have another 10 months to get ready for their Wednesday night set. :)