Paladin Shredder's First Impulse

Feb 8, 2008
Ft Worth, TX
Hey guys, I figure it's about time I did something for my friends at the sneap forum! This impulse is my Mesa OS cab with one SM57 about 5 inches back from the grill cloth.


And here is the impulse in 48khz sample rate:

Edit: lower sample rate of 44.1:

This is my first time making an impulse, and it took quite a few tries to get it just right. If you guys like it enough I might make some more, I have a friend who has a Bogner cab.
Thanks a lot for your effort! I'll check it later.
Do you have any "how to create impulses" guide? I can have access in Engl and Marshall 2x12 cabs so I could give it a try..

google my firend :)

One tip that I found on my own is that when I compared the preamp I recorded of my 5150, it sounded really muffled compared to amp sims without an impulse. as a result, when I deconvoluted my cab and preamp signal, my impulse was really fizzy when used with amp sims.

The solution I found was going from the effects out > into my Countryman DI > into the mic preamp. this added a lot more high end to my preamp signal due to the higher impedance, thus matching the amp sims better, and giving more low end to my impulses once they were deconvoluted. So make sure you have a DI in your chain.

edit: thanks eternally gutted!
hey, if anyone likes these and wants me to make more let me know. i think i may make some with my sm7 in the future, maybe try a freedman style one, or make some with my friends bogner.

what kinds of impulses would you guys like?
what do you guys like/dislike about these?
hey, if anyone likes these and wants me to make more let me know. i think i may make some with my sm7 in the future, maybe try a freedman style one, or make some with my friends bogner.

what kinds of impulses would you guys like?
what do you guys like/dislike about these?

yes, i´d like more impulses man. how i told you, i love the PS_Impulse.:)
i´ll try to post another test soon.
Wierd, Cubase and Reaper crashes when i try to load (both) your impulses. I'm using Poulins Lecab.

Does anyone else have this problem?

I got the same problem yesterday. Didn't figure out what cause the crashes. It's seem to be specific to LeCab. It may be related to the sampling rate.
The new 44 kHz still crashes LeCab. I have re-encoded it using a wav-to-mp3 converter and now it works. I think the endianness is probably the cause of the crashes. I'll have to improve my reading algo in LeCab to make sur endianess is well detected.
Thanks PS for the heads up on that bug.
...well the intent of the impulse wasn't to crash your vst, but im glad i could help! lol

this was exported as a bounce directly out of protools at 24/48, then again at 24/44.1, very strange. i know nothing about endianness.