Engl Standard 4x12 impulse


Jun 21, 2010
So I've been recording an album with the band for the last few weeks now, and since we were micing up a perfectly fine piece of Engl cab I thought I might as well try to make an impulse of it, and here's the result: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13494639/CCHB Engl Standard 4x12 sm57.wav 44.1khz 24bit

Mic'd up with one sm57, 2-3cm from the grill (took the grill off) at the edge of the cap, I'm unsure what speakers were in it but I belive it was the V60's.
Hopefully it'll be useful for somebody, enjoy.
Gives me an error and Reaper starts acting funny :(

Don't know if i'm doing anything horribly wrong, but probably.

Man, I've no idea. What impulse loader are you using? Just in case I updated the download link to dropbox, try that one. None the less it worked in LeCab2 for me.

sound example?

Sorry brah, we've been recording for like 12 hours a day for 2 weeks now, I hardly do anything but sleep and get plastered while outside the studio. Barely had time to make the impulse, let alone make a half-assed sample that would turn everybody off. :lol: If I get some time over I might try to spend some more time on this impulse making, try out some different power amp settings and mic positions.
Man, I've no idea. What impulse loader are you using? Just in case I updated the download link to dropbox, try that one. None the less it worked in LeCab2 for me.

LeCab2 here as well.

Tried loading the new one but upon opening Reaper it gave me the "derr durp asio driver not found now you have to reboot, haha!". Good thing i'm going to bed soon! Really want to hear some clips of this :)