Pale Horse Recordings - Distro Updates

I am in the process of updating the distro with a large quantity of items, mostly CDs, many of which are sought after and subsequently difficult to come by; those of you who hate eBay, take note. In the meantime, I've gotten an interesting little cassette in: acoustic folk music based on Celtic Witchcraft; it's really quite intriguing.

Cailleach - Gloin na Buidseachd

A sample track can be found at the above link.

Huge distro update:


Vlad Tepes/Belketre - March to the Black Holocaust
Incursus - Incursus


Absurd - Facta Loquuntur
Absurd - Asgardsrei
Abyssic Hate - Suicidal Emotions
Acid Bath - When the Kite String Pops
Alcest - Souvenirs D'Un Autre Monde
Allerseelen - Edelweiss
Antaeus - De Principii Evangelikum
Archgoat - Whore of Bethlehem
Arkhon Infaustus - Perdition Insanabilis
Ashdautas - Shadow Plays of Grief and Pain
Atrax Morgue - Esthetik of a Corpse
Atrax Morgue - New York Ripper

Bain Wolfkind - Music for Lovers & Gangsters
Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon
Belketre - Ambre Zuetki Vuordrevartre
Bethlehem - Dark Metal
Bethlehem - Dictius Te Necare
Bethlehem - S.U.I.Z.I.D.
Blood Axis - Blot: Sacrifice in Sweden
Blood Axis & Les Joyaux De La Princesse - Absinthia Taetra
Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God
Boris - Pink
Boyd Rice & Friends - Music, Martinis And Misanthropy
Boyd Rice & Friends - Wolf Pact
Brodequin - Instruments of Torture
Burzum - Burzum/Aske
Burzum - Det Som Engang Var
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Burzum - Filosofem
Burzum - Dauði Baldrs
Buzum - Hliðskjálf

Choronzon - Magog Agog
Countess - The Return of the Horned One
Countess - The Shining Swords of Hate
Countess - Revenge of the Horned One Pt. II
Countess - Spawn of Steel
Cradle of Filth - Dusk and Her Embrace
Craft - Total Soul Rape
Cross Sodomy - New World Blasphemy
Cross Sodomy - The Smell of Brimstone in the Morning
Cryfemal - With the Help of the Devil
Cryfemal - Escucha a los Muertos
Cryptopsy - None So Vile
Current 93 - Halo

Darkspace - I
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky
Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
Darkthrone - Panzerfaust
Darkthrone - Goatlord
Death in June - The Guilty Have No Pride
Death in June - Burial
Death in June - The World That Summer
Death in June - Brown Book
Death in June - The Wall of Sacrifice
Death in June - But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter? (Original Pressing)
Death in June - But, What Ends When the Symbols Shatter?
Death in June - Rose Clouds of Holocaust
Death in June - Take Care & Control
Death in June - Operation Hummingbird
Death in June - All Pigs Must Die
Death in June & Boyd Rice - Alarm Agents
Death in June - Abandon Tracks
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum, Circumspice
Deathspell Omega - Kénôse
Deathspell Omega - Fas, Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum
Deathspell Omega - Paracletus
Demoncy - Joined in Darkness
Der Blutharsch - Der Sieg des Lichtes ist des Lebens Heil!
Der Blutharsch - The Moment of Truth
Der Blutharsch - The Pleasures Received in Pain
Der Blutharsch - The Track of the Hunted
Der Blutharsch - When All Else Fails!
Der Blutharsch - Time is Thee Enemy!
Der Blutharsch - When Did Wonderland End?
Der Blutharsch - Live in Copenhagen
Der Blutharsch - So Bring Your Iron Rain Down Upon Me
Dimmu Borgir - Stormblåst
Drudkh - Forgotten Legends
Drudkh - Autumn Aurora
Drudkh - The Swan Road

Electric Wizard - Dopethrone
Electric Wizard - Let Us Prey
Electric Wizard - Witchcult Today
Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Emperor - Emperor/Wrath of the Tyrant
Enslaved - Eld
Enslaved - Mardraum
Enslaved - Below the Lights
Enslaved - Isa
Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi/Hordanes Land
Esoteric - The Pernicious Enigma
Esoteric - Subconscious Dissolution into the Continuum
Extinction - Down Below the Fog
Eyehategod - In the Name of Suffering

Fire in the Head - Be My Enemy
Fleurety - Min Tid Skal Komme
Folkstorm - Hurtmusic
Foresta Di Ferro - Bury Me Standing
Forseti - Jenzig
Forseti - Erde
Furze - Necromanzee Cogent

Gauhaert - Ygwaet Gwyr Gwynn Novi
Genocide Organ - Genocide Organ
Graveland - Thousand Swords
Graveland - Following the Voice of Blood
Graveland - Fire Chariot of Destruction
Green Army Fraction - Conservative and Full of Hate
Grunt - Seer of Decay

I Shalt Become - Wanderings
Ildjarn - Hardangervidda
Immortal - Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Immortal - Battles in the North
Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness
Incantation - Onward Toward Golgotha
Inquisition - Invoking the Majestic Throne of Satan

Jesu - Jesu

Katharsis - 666
Katharsis - Kruzifixxion
Krohm - A World Through Dead Eyes
Kvist - For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike

Looking For Europe - The Neofolk Compendium
Lüger - Kill, Worship, Die
Lunar Aurora - Ars Moriendi
Lunar Aurora - Elixer of Sorrow
Lunar Aurora - Zyklus
Lurker of Chalice - Lurker of Chalice

Malvery - Mortal Entrenchment in Requiem
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao
Moonsorrow - Verisakeet
Moonsorrow - Voimasta ja Kunniasta
Morte Incandescente - Coffin Desecrators
Mütiilation - Vampires of Black Imperial Blood (ORIGINAL)
Mütiilation - Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul (ORIGINAL)
Mütiilation - Rattenkonig
Mütiilation - Sorrow Galaxies
Mütiilation - Vampires of Black Imperial Blood
Mütiilation - Evil, The Gestalt of Abomination
Mütiilation - Black Wind of War

Nagelfar - Hünengrab im Herbst
Nagelfar - Srontgorrth
Navicon Torture Technologies - I Fucking Hate You All and I Hope You All Fucking Die
Navicon Torture Technologies - Dripping with the Power of Her Flesh
Negură Bunget - 'n Crugu Bradului
Niden Div. 187 - Impergium
Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns
NON - Easy Listening for Iron Youth
Novo Homo - Private Hell

Of the Wand & The Moon - Emptiness Emptiness Emptiness
Of the Wand & The Moon - Sonnenheim
Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - Cocktails Carnage Crucifixion And Pornography
Organized Resistance - Day of the Rope

Paragon Impure - To Gaius (For The Delivery Of Agrippina)
Peste Noire - Folkfuck Folie
Planet AIDS - Apokalyptik AIDS

Rehtaf Ruo - Boiled in Goat Blood
Revenge - Victory.Intolerance.Mastery

Samael - Ceremony of Opposites
Sargeist - Satanic Black Devotion
Satanic Warmaster - Strength and Honour
Satanic Warmaster - Carelian Satanist Madness
Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times
Satyricon - The Shadowthrone
Satyricon - Nemesis Divina
Shining - II Livets ändhållplats
Sickness - I Have Become the Disease that Made Me
Silencer - Death - Pierce Me
Skepticism - Ethere
Skm-Etr - The Rugged Meat Cleaver
Sleep - Jerusalem
Sol Invictus - In The Rain
Sol Invictus - The Devil's Steed
Steel Hook Prostheses - Light Reflected from a Cold Cutting Table
Striborg - Nocturnal Emissions / Nyctophobia
Striborg - Black Desolate Winter / Depressive Hibernation
Striborg - Trepidation
Striborg - Nefaria / A Tragic Journey Towards the Light - Laboratorio Suomi
Summoning - Lugburz
Summoning - Dol Guldur
Summoning - Stronghold
Summoning - Oath Bound

Tarihan - Hohe Tannen
Tenebrae in Perpetuum - Onori Funebri Rituali
Tenebrae in Perpetuum - Antico Misticismo
The Black Death - Spreading the Plague of Black Metal
The Ruins of Beverast - Unlock the Shrine
Torgeist & Vlad Tepes - Black Legions Metal
Toxic Holocaust - Evil Never Dies
Toxic Holocaust / Evil Damn / Chainsaw Killer split
Tyranny - Tides of Awakening

Ulver - Bergtatt
Ulver - Nattens madrigal - aatte hymne til ulven i manden
Urfaust - Geist ist Tuefel
Urfaust - Verräterischer, Nichtswürdiger Geist

Vargleide - When Only Ashes and Scorched Earth are Left Behind...
Ved Buens Ende - Written In Waters
Velvet Cacoon - Genevieve
Venom - Black Metal
Vermeth - Your Ruin...
Virus - Carheart
Virus - The Black Flux
Virus - The Agent that Shapes the Desert
Vlad Tepes/Belketre - March to the Black Holocaust
Vlad Tepes - War Funeral March
Vlad Tepes - La Morte Lune
Vlad Tepes - Black Legions Spirits
Vrolok - Resurgence II: Where the Dying Meet the Dead
Vrolok - Soul Amputation

Waking the Cadaver - Perverse Recollections of a Necromangler
Weakling - Dead As Dreams
Windir - Arntor
Woship - Last CD Before Doomsday

Xasthur - A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors
Xasthur - Nocturnal Poisoning
Xasthur - Suicide in Dark Serenity
Xasthur - The Funeral of Being
Xasthur - Telepathic With the Deceased
Xasthur - To Violate the Oblivious
Xasthur - Subliminal Genocide
New items in stock:

A Transylvanian Funeral - Gorgos Goetia
Goatcraft - All For Naught
Plutonian Shore / A Transylvanian Funeral - Alchemical Manifestations
Watain - Rabid Death's Curse (restock)

Vasaeleth/Vorum Split (restock)
New Cassettes in stock:

Andramelech - Destroyers of Cosmic Order
Begrime Exemious - Demo 2006
Bosque/Senthil Split
Brobdingnagian - TortureStainedDisaster
Christian Killer - Diabolical Satanic Warcommand
Clock - On The Threshold
Dead Procession - II
Death Hymen - Flower of Flesh and Blood
Defuntos - Mundo de Lápides
Dominus Ira - Ferocia Animi
Funereal Moon - Evil Night of Heresy
Hell Rot - Vomit Altar
Hellraper - Feed Bitches With Satan's Seed
Misanthropic Art - Lifeless Nothing
Nivathe - Nivathe
Order Of The Light - Ancestral Knowledge
Profan - Shamanic Invokations
RL:ZZ - Esotericists
Triphane - XXVII

PHR Distro
New Vinyl in stock:

Crimson Moon - To Embrace the Vampyric Blood 12" Red Vinyl
Limited to 200
If this has managed to evade you until now, seize the opportunity here to immerse yourself in the ritual workings of Crimson Moon. This is black metal of superior caliber and spirit.

Funeral Mourning - Descent 10" Black Vinyl
Limited to 100
Suffocating Australian funeral doom metal originally released as a privately distributed cassette. Depressing, hideous and certain to ruin your mood, get this before it's too late.
New Items in Stock:

Arria Paetus - s/t CS
Ltd to 50 - Do not miss this one
"Arria Paetus is the desperation of trying to make a bad situation worse for yourself while laughing and screaming as you hurtle over the edge; a mixed state of hyperactivity and consuming depression that can really only be experientially understood. Poison for the poison-drinkers."

Moss Upon The Skull - Imperial Summoning 7"
Ltd to 100
"The Belgian death metal de/re-constructors twisting, towering debut on black vinyl. The two tracks here act as the embodiment of their mission statement, "Moss Upon The skull plays organic dissident death metal exclusively," with all the necessary punch to prove it up."
New items in stock:

I'm In A Coffin - One Last Final Action LP - (includes a great Mütiilation cover track)
I'm In A Coffin - One Final Action CD

You probably remember these guys whether you care to admit it or not; also, whether you care to admit it or not, they released what was probably the most controversial, and lasting, album from that whole sdbdrmbm uprising in the late 2000's.

I've got exclusive US distribution of the LP. Go ahead and check it out, I promise I won't tell anyone.
New Items in Stock:

Crimson Moon - To Embrace the Vampyric Blood LP (Restock)

Drakonhail - La nuit de Drakonhail
Dunkelheit - Mors Aeterna
Gyötrelem - Kárhozat
Lepra - Tongue of Devil Prayers
Niedergang - Átszellemülés
Niedergang - Delirium Aeternum
Wacht / Dunkelheit - Split
Wędrujący Wiatr - Tam, gdzie miesiąc opłakuje świt
Wędrujący Wiatr - O turniach, jeziorach i nocnych szlakach
Now in Stock!

Broken Life - When Negative Feelings Drown This Life
Colorless Forest - Memories Of The Stolen Souls And Dust
Colorless Forest - White Abysmal Tomb
Dhampyr - All The Dead Dears
Do Skonu - The Grand Awakening Among The Great Sleep
Dysfori - Resan Utan Slut
Einsamtod - Einsamkeit
Empire Of Blood - Oroboros
Eucharist - Demise Rites
Eucharist - Endarkenment
Freitod Zeremonie - Monotonie Leben
Glädjekällor / Deadlife / Lidelse / Winter Willow - Wilted (Split)
Hostium - The Bloodwine of Satan
Like Desolate Like True - Don't Worry... Die Happy
Minotaur Head - Minotaur Head
Mist - Snowy Nocturnal Forest And Stellar Sky

Moss Upon The Skull - The Scourge of Ages LP
(Very highly recommended! Dawnbreed records did an amazing job with this release.)

Nebelschwaden - Nostalgie & Apathie
Nostalgic Darkness - Sexual Depression
Sepulchral Curse - At the Onset of Extinction
Thanatomania - Drangsal
Triebtat - Der Weg In Die Depression
Veineliis - Strained Movements Towards Imminent Death
New stuff in stock:

Ævangelist / Esoterica - To the Dream Plateau of Hideous Revelation CD
Caecus - Affliction 7" EP
Esoterica - Aseity CD
Impetuous Ritual - Relentless Execution of Ceremonial Excrescence PicLP
In Obscurity Revealed - Grim Fumes of Revelation 7" EP
Injekting Khaos - S/T mLP
Necrosadist - Abstract Satan LP/CD
Obsequies - Necro MC
Polyptych - Defying the Metastasis CD
Tehom - The Merciless Light LP/CD
Tomb Mold - Primordial Malignancy MC
Tome of the Unreplenished – Cosmoprism: The Theurgy – Act I CD