
Originally posted by Light
You don't...... but I reckon Dan could put out a nu-age gospel rap album and some people would be camping outside their record stores a fortnight before general release........

Well I would too, it just doesn't mean I'd like it when I got it home. :)
"Unothodox" is a great album. It was surprise for me, because I listened it after "Spectral S". like true death metal fist in the face. I didn't believed that it's EoS.
"Crimson" is another level of death metal muzic, also it's like the muzical evolution of "Unothodox".
Originally posted by Metal88
Well......obviously if Dan made something that sounded like shit, I wouldn't listen to it. However, I just described a rather impossible situation, did I not? Hehehe.

I didn't like the Karaboudjan CD and no longer own it.
Change "impossible" to "statistically improbable" and "something" to "full length record" Hehe.

The whole "is it b/c dan made it" argument is ridiculous anyways. It's like people saying "big" basketball players are only good b/c they are big. If I was as big as Shaq, had the mind and moves of Michael Jordan, and could shoot like Larry Bird, well....I'd be a millionaire right now and the greatest player ever!

Actually the arguement is only barely, if at all similar to this basketball analogy. I am on Percocet, had surgery to today. Maybe I shouldn't make this post? Ah, fuck it.