Panning Laws in Logic and Pro Tools


Aug 31, 2006
I've heard the term Panning Laws and I'm pretty sure I understand it (its basically the algorithms used by the DAW to get things panned, which is actually somewhat complex in digital recording...right?). But does anyone have any experience changing the panning laws in Logic or Pro Tools? Which ones sound better? I use Pro Tools so any information on that would definitely be useful.
So, the question is, for me anyway, do people see a perceptable change in their mixes. -6db is a lot imo, -4db might be more natural, yet just that little bit more than -3db. If you are not moving from host to host and indeed keeping your project in one place then I guess, it would be more to do with how far apart you have your speakers as to wether or not you use a higher subtractive law or not. Perhaps. Certainly I havent tried it with the editing I am doing at the moment in pro tools, but it would be good for shits and giggles I reckon to find out.
I don't know....I think what you use depends from what you wanna do.
Now I have Panning Law sets to 0dB Center, and I think it works very well in the new song I'm mixing. I have tried -3dB and -6dB but everything sound less aggressive and less punchier..the kick loose all his attack,etc... and I don't speak about levels..I speak about sound.
I don't know....I think what you use depends from what you wanna do.
Now I have Panning Law sets to 0dB Center, and I think it works very well in the new song I'm mixing. I have tried -3dB and -6dB but everything sound less aggressive and less punchier..the kick loose all his attack,etc... and I don't speak about levels..I speak about sound.
Yeah I've found the same thing...
Now I'm on 0dB Center.

Btw, what is Protools default pan law setting?
Now I'm using 0dB center, but when I compare my mix with some professional mix, the pros sounds more "open" and stereo....I don't know if it depends by panning law...
I wasn't even aware of panning laws until I saw this thread.

I switched Sonar to -3db center, and I find I'm having a much easier time keeping things loud and balanced without clipping.