...pantera help...


junior asshole
Apr 26, 2006
canada where else would i be
ok... i live in ontario/canada and well ive tried about all the HMV stores to get the pnatera DVD collection and some time in my busy life get dimevision ... well they said we dont have records of that band... WTF? CAMON RAP ISINT THE ONLY SONG SUBJECT IN THE FUCKIN WORLD ASSHOLES! someone who is a canadian or lives in ontario please help... i cant do shipping no credit cards and plus the shipping is horrible... i love this band i listen to them every morning.... help me out :kickass:

RIP DIME :worship:
Ever thought of ordering online? I know VH1.com has a bunch of Pantera albums for sale there.

It may be the only way if you don't live near by a retailer holding them.
do you have a Tower Records? Best Buy? Walmart? a lot of those retailers are carrying Pantera. When you can't do shipping and Credit Cards it really limits your ability to purchase outside of your city. Best of luck to you.
Where in Ontario do you live? Shit, I live in London and every record store in the city has it. Get the store to special order it in. Even better, if there is an independent store in you town, get them to order it and give them your money. Shouldn't be too hard to find.