paradise like SX's "old" style

Jun 9, 2007
I've heard a few people mention that Paradise Lost is almost like a sort of return to the old style of symphony X, where V and the Odyssey were kind of like progressive breaks. In a way it's interesting to think of it this way.

Certain parts are certainly strikingly similar, in some of the ballads and something that particularly interested me as the riff in Absinthe and Rue (debut album) starting at 1:28 sounds like Domination. The guitar riff is done in the same kind of style and the keyboard accompanies it in a very similar way.

I wonder if anyone else has found specific similarities like this.
Yeah, you can hear a little bit of that. A little more of the pentatonic riffing, and the phrygian groove thing than their last few records... the thing is, their old style has always been there, but they've always kept their core style, but just done it in differnet ways. I think Paradise Lost is awesome because they took a little of everything from their career and put it all together pretty seamlessly.
the malmsteen and queen influence is WAY toned down from the debut

Personally, I don't think they sound similar at all...SX's albums all have little similarities like that. And nothing on PL sounds anything like A Lesson Before Dying, though I agree that Shades of Gray and Sacrifice are both third-rate filler ballads that I wish were never made.
I think The Sacrifice is one of the better songs on Paradise Lost. And I don't think Shades of Grey is that bad. Other than that I kind of agree with Postulate. Every album is quite unique, for better and worse.
Yep. I've always thought and said here on the forums that it reminds me a lot of Damnation game. Less proggy, more guitar driven, straight forward songs.
Everyone knows Shades of Grey is actually the best song they ever made.

If only they would play it as their encore instead of Sins and Shadows...

Anyway, I have to disagree about Paradise Lost being similar (at all) to the band's "old" style. To my ears, there are few similarities at all. The only thing I can think of is that the dissonant chord section in Domination with the cool bass groove sounds somewhat similar to a part in A Lesson Before Dying. Also, the neoclassical feel of Seven and The Sacrifice are somewhat similar to the feeling of the older albums. But that's honestly all I can think of. Paradise Lost was much less progressive.
Some random thoughts here:

I don't see Paradise Lost as a return to the old style at all. I see it more as a move in a new, heavier direction that began on Odyssey.

PL was my first SX album. It completely blew me away. And as I started buying their back catalog, I liked them more and more, with V being "The Pinnacle" (you guys know I'm a huge Kansas fan, right?) of their achievement. SX is my current favorite band. I can't wait til their next release.

Do you ever have the experience of hearing a song over and over, and not being really impressed, and then suddenly you hear it and it blows your socks off? That happened recently to me with Bring Down the Walls of Babylon. I got a new Blackberry and downloaded a streaming radio program. Bring Down the Walls came on, and it was like the first time I had ever heard it. My socks were gone! That 3 1/2 minute instrumental intro is so f'n heavy, followed by Russ' meanest nastiest, vox. What a great song!

OfSinsAndShred, I liked your drunken reply! where in PA do you live? I'm in Pittsburgh.
with V being "The Pinnacle" (you guys know I'm a huge Kansas fan, right?)

totally - i have always imagined that if Kansas played metal it would essentially be V. on a related note, i also fucking love Kansas.

I wish i could share the love for walls of babylon intro, but i just keep hearing painkiller every time i play it...great song, but the intros to say, evolution or rediscovery are so much more orgasmic.
I listened to some Paradise Lost today. It's a good album, but I feel like it's a bit over-compressed. I hope Symphony X don't go too much into the loudness war on next album.
Cool, I'm in the Burgh, too. Just moved into Oakland a few days ago.

You guys aren't Pirates fans are you? :ill:

totally - i have always imagined that if Kansas played metal it would essentially be V. on a related note, i also fucking love Kansas.

Kansas is really awesome. Few can deny this.

I listened to some Paradise Lost today. It's a good album, but I feel like it's a bit over-compressed. I hope Symphony X don't go too much into the loudness war on next album.

I agree. The only thing I liked production-wise about Paradise Lost is that the bass tone is clearer than any previous album. If they can find a way to have that bass sound without over-compression, it'll be the best of both worlds for me.
I don't think its a return to the old style what so ever. I believe the play homage to some of the earlier days, but its still an entirely new sound. For them I should say, like it was said earlier, starting on 'the odyssey'! I also think its a lil' over compressed! But that is metal today... Either or i've never been dissapointed with anything by symphony x...and I doubt that will change now! I am curious to see where they're going with it however. I suspect another Paradise Lost. But symphony x wont just make it 'another', its bound to be differ' in some way, so im curious to see how that turns out!