Paradise Lost live video

i can't help but laugh at this guy trying to sing alon... hahahaha... i mean i am literally cracking up right now. he's just , sooooooo bad!!!! the band is top banana though! wouldn't mind seing this in phily (maybe instead to communion and the oracle?)
When you see them you'll shit bricks...

Though i'm not about to say that's not one of the best covers i've seen (since they didn't add a vocalist), they should have had the xylophonist do something during the dead spots instead of just mimic the guitar to fill out the sound a bit. Still, i'm impressed.
Haha, sweet cover. The xylovibrophone thing gave it a sort of LTE feel for me for some reason. didn't much care for the violin, although it sounded nice during the chorus. Pretty tight though, and I agree the dude on the Vibrotoxylowhatever should have done something a little more to fill out the sound.