Parallel Vocal Distortion


Jul 1, 2010
What do you guys use for distortion on death metal vocals? I'm not talking about adding a little analog dirt to the tone rather than something evident.
SoundToys Decapitator is really good for this. I've used their DevilLok for a bit of parallel nastiness on about everything as well....

Uh oh...I completely plugged SoundToys and not Waves >.> Oh well Ken and Mitch are great guys so I'm ok with that.
clas effects sound very aggressive to me and sit very nicely in the mix.
also podfarm is a good choice here (try lofi preamp model). even cubase stock distortion plugin is pretty good for distorting vocals.
Damn I gotta try this Decapitator! I have psa1 only as saturation...

Friday 25th nov, Waves is gonna make special offers on all their stuff, could some of you give me an advice on a saturation plugin please? It would be the moment to get something good for a decent price ;)
For me most of the time Decapitator win for this application. But when Decapitator don't work, I use a TS for vocal.
Sansamp work for it too (Dave Way style:) )