Paris down wif ghetto lingo


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
On the lighter side, a video caught Paris acting like the racist bigoted homophobe we always knew she was, but the video is mysteriously no longer available! Looks like Daddy's money is hard at work again!

Perhaps one of her personal items exposed on the Internet is a video clip that clearly shows Paris using both the N-word (my pals) and the F-word (Fuck)during a social function.

Social function. For the billionaires, its a "social function." For we the thousandaires, its called a "total piss-up."

In the footage, Paris and her sister Nicky are at a house party dancing by themselves to the sounds of Notorious B.I.G.’s “Hypnotize.”

Nothin racist so far. Two rich white dish rags acting like prostitutes to gangsta rap.

A male friend who dances in between them was referred to as a “faggot” by both Hilton sisters.

I'm sure he was, too.

Then, at about 2 minutes and 45 seconds into the footage, Paris approaches the camera and laughs, “We’re like two my pals.”

They're astonishingly honest, aren't they?

The “Simple Life” star, who recently reunited with her black former best friend, Nicole Richie,

Wait wait wait wait WAIT! How the fuck is that trash-heap Nicole Richie BLACK? I don't get it. She looks whiter than Johnny Czech. Is she just black by association with her home-dog father, Lionel?

steps to the camera again at about 3:55 to vent about a run-in with a woman at the party, whom she describes as a “f*ckin’ hoodlum, broke, poor bitch from like, Compton – public school bitch.”

Hilerious spoiled stupid line from a drunken, loose whore. What's wrong with that? I don't know. Once again, its more of "Much ado about nuffin, my niggas!!

Ok. 1) where is this video so I can see it
and 2) When the fuck did Nichole Richie become black? wtf? Lionel is her pops? He isn't black either.

But..the video is what concerns me the most. There is nothing funnier then seeing white people act black and use the N word.

But do you know what, Paris's sister..dont know the obviously the smart one who keeps to herself. You never see that chick.
Ok. 1) where is this video so I can see it
and 2) When the fuck did Nichole Richie become black? wtf? Lionel is her pops? He isn't black either.

But..the video is what concerns me the most. There is nothing funnier then seeing white people act black and use the N word.

But do you know what, Paris's sister..dont know the obviously the smart one who keeps to herself. You never see that chick.

Ya can't see the video. YouTube pulled it like 8 seconds after airing it. Like I said, Daddy probably paid to have it taken off the site.

Shit yeah. Hard to believe a petite blonde caucasoid with no bootay like Nicole Richie is considered "Black" by the hollywood crowd. She is the daughter of Lionel Richie. I sometimes get punished by having to watch E! during dinner, and that's what shit was on.

Ya can't see the video. YouTube pulled it like 8 seconds after airing it. Like I said, Daddy probably paid to have it taken off the site.

Shit yeah. Hard to believe a petite blonde caucasoid with no bootay like Nicole Richie is considered "Black" by the hollywood crowd. She is the daughter of Lionel Richie. I sometimes get punished by having to watch E! during dinner, and that's what shit was on.


Here you go Hilton my pals Video

Don't thank me.. Thank the internet