Yale Univesity warns: Don't Fuck with Wikipedia


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Here's the sort of thing that challenges the sort of pricks who attend today's premiere Ivy league universities: Fucking with Wikipedia.

If you type the word “emysphilia” into Google, the first link listed is an article on the Web site Answers.com defining the term as “a rare sexual fetish in which the practitioner experiences sexual arousal from visual and tactile stimuli relating to turtles and tortoises.” The fetish, according to the article, was discovered by Dr. Daniel Schechner in 1959, who observed it in a man known as “Mr. Gor.” According to the article — which references Schechner’s two books on the subject — the American Psychiatric Association does not recognize the fetish as a legitimate disorder.

Sweet. Must've been the sort of shit observed by that freak who wrote those "Everything you wanted to know about sex etc." while observing Kerouac and Ginsberg smoking shit and blowing each other.

All this would make for a rather curious bit of knowledge except for one thing: Emysphilia does not exist.

“[Emysphilia] is totally absolutely fake,” said John Behan ’10, who author ed the original Wikipedia article on the condition.

I disagree. Several more liberal-minded contributors to this very forum have been known to get woodies every time they're near the turtle pond at the Bronx Zoo!

And Dr. Daniel Schechner? That’s taken from the name of Behan’s suitemate, Dan Schechner ’10. The name of “Mr. Gor,” the supposed original turtle fetishist, is a reference to Behan’s other suitemate, Ankit Gor ’10. Behan invented the term “emysphilia” based on the Greek word for turtle.

Although Wikipedia — a free, user-compiled, open-edited, online encyclopedia — removed the article soon after Behan put it up, the term is still featured on several user-based Web sites, such as Answers.com, which refer to Wikipedia as the original publisher of the article.

Wikipedia. Free, user-compiled, and easy to fuck with.

While Behan and his suitemates get laughs from the gullibility of the people who believe his articles, Wikipedia’s editorial system — or lack thereof — that made his joke possible has professors and college departments around the country concerned that students are citing incorrect information in their academic work.

And BIG laughs, I'm sure! This Behan guy was probably giggling like a school girl while posting his fraudulent shit.

A few Yale professors are adamantly opposed to the use of Wikipedia for academic work, though many of their peers said it has not caused problems at Yale and students said they continue to rely on the encyclopedia for help with their schoolwork.

Oh, so not all of these so-called professors are Donald Sutherland-type losers from Animal House, eh?

But despite this backlash against the popular site, Wikipedia officials maintain that the encyclopedia can be a useful and accurate source as long as it is used correctly.

Of course they do! But its all up to the "professors." If these lily-white punks are so stupid as to use wikipedia as their sources, well, its up to those pointless professors to give them a well-deserved failing grade: F stands for FUCKED UP!

Zach Marks ’09 said he avoids using Wikipedia except as a tool of procrastination. “Every professor has always told me that Wikipedia is not a valid source,” he said. “I don’t even really look at it — it’s just too tempting.”

Could it be? A Yalie with a brain? Or rather, one whose brain isn't shoved all the way up his ass?

But Gabe Friedman ’10, currently a student in Directed Studies, said he found the page on Thucydides particularly helpful when studying for his final exams last semester.

Of course it is, you lazy swine! That's it! Time for me to get online and fuck with the Thucydides article on Wikipedia!

Behan said he has created many fake articles for Wikipedia, the most successful of which was the entry on emysphilia.

Fah-Q has shown us all the joy and easy with which one may fuck with wikipedia. I strongly suggest everyone else lend a hand with this noble task!

To ensure others would find the article believable, Behan said, he had to do more than just write one entry on “emysphilia,” including creating several others relating to the fake fetish. “It’s an art of creating a web of phoniness,” he said.

Artwork, indeed. Its more entertaining and more easy to interprete than a canvas splattered with elephant shit!

Additionally, striking an academic tone was important to creating an air of legitimacy. “You need to write it in a way that makes it sounds like it’s something possible,” Behan said. “If you write it like an authoritative pronouncement it tends to work better.”

Well, no duh! Ya can't write "Thucydides was an greasy Greek asshole and expect lazy academians pepped up on speed after a night of whiskey and pain killers to take it seriously. Come on now!


Here's one of those yuppie pricks complaining about how one of his own "Betrayed Wikipedia" by fucking with it.

To the Editor:

I am troubled by John Behan’s behavior.

Me too. Seems like he went through a lot of trouble and nobody appreciates his artwork.

According to Wednesday’s article “Profs question students’ Wikipedia dependency,” Behan has created multiple hoax articles on Wikipedia. I am forced to wonder what Behan feels he gains from wasting other people’s time and effort tracking down and dealing with his hoaxes.

It's called "a laugh," you humourless twit.

Note, for example, that the deletion discussion that occurred concerning the emysphilia article involved four Wikipedia users who went through and attempted to find Behan’s sources. There’s a term on Wikipedia for what Behan does. It’s called “vandalism.”

Vandalising pointless shit like Wikipedia? Please!

And there is a reason why that term is used: Behan is engaging in vandalism that is no different from someone spray-painting graffiti on a wall; if anything, Behan’s behavior is worse — Behan imparts falsehoods to a variety of people, whereas the spray-painter simply makes an eyesore. The Yale community should be concerned that we have people like him as members.

Aww! Give the lad a thrashing for betraying his fellows.

Joshua Zelinsky ’07 Feb. 7 (The writer is a Wikipedia administrator.)

My advice: Grow up. Grow a dick. Get off of Daddy's dick-shaped wallet.
