Part 2 of the saga.


Oblique and Nebulous
Nov 1, 2005
Lakewood, CO
The new South Park tonight was hilarious. The manifestation of Manbearpig was genius. Also, Jesus as one of the top members of the Imagination Land Council or whatever it was had to be noted.
those were the only 2 funny things in it, this entire saga thing has been fucking retarded so far. in 2 episodes they haven't even had as much hilarity as in the earlier episodes. its sad that new south park sucks so badly.
I thought it was overall amusing. If you look at it for the satire that it is instead of wanting instant laugh value, you can maybe appreciate it better.
those were the only 2 funny things in it, this entire saga thing has been fucking retarded so far. in 2 episodes they haven't even had as much hilarity as in the earlier episodes. its sad that new south park sucks so badly.
yeah it's so much funnier when they say fuck and talk about dicks.
if thats being sarcastic then no its actually better without that, the weakest part is the whole ballsucking thing. OH MAN CARTMAN IS BEING A GAY DOUCHE WITH SOME SHOCKVALUE SHIT WHAT A SURPRISE who gives a fuck. south park need to shut the fuck up along with family guy and shows like its always sunny in philadelphia need to be watched much more.
better than south park and family guy which haven't had a good episode for multiple months. but if you enjoy supporting shitty unoriginal shows that deserve to die out, go right ahead. even the simpsons has been on the air for 10 seasons more than south park and family guy and still maintains some original and funnyness.
those were the only 2 funny things in it, this entire saga thing has been fucking retarded so far. in 2 episodes they haven't even had as much hilarity as in the earlier episodes. its sad that new south park sucks so badly.

the tourettes one was quite genius, aside from a few other episodes this season has sucked.
yeah ... the first satanic woodland animals episode was probobly the only south park episode that actually bothered/upset me. i've caught some of the new ones and i actually do like their social commentary but ... eh ... i'm too tired/caffinated to string together any coherent thoughts!
yeah ... the first satanic woodland animals episode was probobly the only south park episode that actually bothered/upset me. i've caught some of the new ones and i actually do like their social commentary but ... eh ... i'm too tired/caffinated to string together any coherent thoughts!
bothered/upset you? what the fuck does that mean?