Party San

@ Morgana:

How did it sound when Mr. V sung on "Colossus"? Did he manage as well as Vortex did on the record...?
IMO the best track from Quintessence!
..fuck...noone in the band have recieved a copy I think, have to get that one...........

mr V
Originally posted by Morgana
@Gauny, haven't watched it yet... but haven't I forgot my Amon Amarth CD at your place... a good reason to come along and pick it up :grin: we could watch the vid together... hehehe
hm, could I say no!? :grin: If you already want to come all the way here again......fine by me.
So what's on the vid... well a short intie with Mr. Øystein G. Brun and one song "The Eye Of Oden" if I remember right... hehehe, sorry but it was tooooooooooo funny watching my little niece, 2 years old, banging along... she obviously enjoyed the vid... and she recognized me in the vid... yup... once again, my face on an official vid... not telling you that my sis cracked up laughing when she saw me there...
well......if you play the Borkies song on repeat like we are doing now you get a looooong playing time of Borkies ;)
headbang.gif's fun to watch but apparently only when Lars stops playing you recognize that there are actually guitarists in the band :grin: