

Nov 1, 2004
Bumfuck, MI 69666
Someone posted a thread of which version of Unending Waves was better. One posted that the Idle version was better because the voice had more "passion." I recently got the EP, and I have to say that I enjoy the Idle version better as well. Sure, No Reply is so much better technically and has much better production. I listen to the Idle version, and the first line, "I have memories, clouded by sorrow" gives me chills right there. It's like, I have never heard so much pain before in a song. The way he screams "sorrow" Man, it was so fucking good. If growling was sex, I wold have busted a nut right there. Guthrie sung with a passion in that song that's not heard often. I get that vibe with the No Reply version, but not quite the effect that the Idle version has.

I still love alot of other things about the No Reply version and there is so much more passion in DD's music than so many other bands. As of lately, to deal with my pain and my losses, I have been listening to alot Daylight Dies, and Unending Waves has captured my pain like no other song has. The passion in all of Daylight Dies songs is something that I always think would be hard to top again, but I've heard the samples, and I think Dismantling Devotion will recapture that passion and make Dismantling Devotion an album that will exceed anyone's closest expectations.

I am really impressed with what I heard from Ellis' voice. I think that he will bring the passion that I long for in the doom/death genre and ultimately make Daylight Dies a much better band. :hotjump: