Pathfinder Metalfest lineup update


Eternal Hour
Jul 1, 2009
Pathfinder MetalFest Day 1 (Fri Oct 23):
*Bands are listed from opener to headliner

Alas; Tyranny
Oblivion Myth
Eternal Hour

Pathfinder MetalFest Day 2 (Sat Oct 24):

VOR (void of reason)
A Lower Deep
Halcyon Way
Twisted Tower Dire

for more info go to

I wish I could attend this- I'll have traveled every weekend for 6 weeks and it's not possible for me. Which is a major bummer as I like most of these bands and support Pathfinder's efforts to bring more shows to all of us. : )
Hey Jon, I'm excited to see you guys again. It'll have been 7 months since Nightmare MetalFest II...which is too long. Get ready to practice your autographing skills man :lol:!!!


hahaha! Can't wait bro, this is gonna be a great show. Spread the word guys, Hoyt is really putting his neck out financially on this. If you haven't bought your tix yet, do it now so he can sleep at night!
Hey everyone! Eternal Hour is so greatful to be playing this show! We're trying to get as many people as we can to this show so Hoyt and Pathfinder Promotions can continue to produce great shows for all of us to go to and play. Like Jon said Hoyt really is doing everything he can for this show, we need to repay him back! I'm gonna buy at least one ticket for myself and i'm playing!

We all love Pathfinder! There's no one else like Hoyt, dont take him for granted!

-Alex and the guys in Eternal Hour.
Hi Everybody

If you have not checked Hoyt's Pathfinder MetalFest Myspace page, then you may not have heard much about the Speed Metallers from Fort Wayne, Indiana called Zephaniah.

This is what Mark Gromen of BW&BK wrote about their performance at our Warriors Of Metal Fest II this past June 6th:

"Dragonforce, you have a lot of “splaining” to do (to paraphrase the late Desi Arnaz). Fort Wayne, Indiana’s ZEPHANIAH are a highly proficient, tech-thrash outfit that seemingly throws any/all influences into a song, but musicality is only one part of the repertoire. The quintet are all over the stage (ala Dillinger Escape Plan/Cephalic Carnage/Dragonforce) and when not relentlessly headbanging or pinwheeling hair, they play each others instruments, spinning in circles, be it guitarist lending the fingering hand to the other’s fretboard or trading axes still slung over the back (this choreography really needs to be seen to fully understand, check out YouTube). Meanwhile, the Meshuggah technical death/thrash at Dragonforce speed is punctuated by Maiden-ish twin leads, high pitched vocals or pig squeals. The shredding riffarama ‘Black Beard’s Revenge’ see synchronized overhand tapping while the fun loving nature of these youngsters is summarized by the introduction to ‘Quest For The Royal Crown’, humorously depicted/dedicated to a local label head’s favourite cola! Somehow it all comes off as very tuneful and highly entertaining. Later in the show, when things slow down (at least in terms of onstage traffic), ‘Barbarian’s Tale’ and ‘Fields Of The Impaled’ prove to be decent power metal, free of histrionics."

-Excerpt from full show review @

Zephaniah kicked so much ass closing the first night's show at the Kansas City Power Fest II (after Manilla Road) that they were invited to headline BOTH nights of that Fest in 2010!!!

And to Demonstrate just part of what Mark Gromen saw, here's a video of one of their gigs in Cincinnati:


Definitely DO NOT miss this explosive band at the Pathfinder MetalFest 2009.

I'll see you all there.

DJ Metal Daddy ( every Sunday from 9 to Noon EST)
Farvahar Records
Official Sponsor of the Warriors Of Metal Fest III (
Ask Hoyt if you like but he still blames me for the first night of this Fest since I referred Al Ravage to him and then asked if Zephaniah could be on the show. Hence the beginning of Friday night's line-up!

Yeah, it's all my fault Hoyt and you know what? I'm Damned Proud Of It ;)!

Guess I better show up for this show. or I am a dead man.

J-Man, you promised to come to Warriors Of Metal Fest II to support Aska but we didn't see you, so I Better see you at the Pathfinder MetalFest.....or you'll be jeopardizing your street Cred :heh:!

I'll see you there man:rock::kickass::lol::cool::rock:

Yay Datis! Promoting us so you will get sex from us later!! We look forward to a great show despite our singer situation! Ravage rocks balls too!! The rest of you i will get to see live and pop my cherry to your music in a live setting!! So we all are looking forward to a great show!!!!!
J-Man, you promised to come to Warriors Of Metal Fest II to support Aska but we didn't see you, so I Better see you at the Pathfinder MetalFest.....or you'll be jeopardizing your street Cred :heh:!

I'll see you there man:rock::kickass::lol::cool::rock:


Yeah I know, but something family related came up and I couldn't make it, i am truly sorry, but you better bet I will be there in Oct.

you BETTER show up for this! The Su will cry if you don't!

I do not want the Su to cry, so I will be there come hell or high water.
This is going to be a blast. Will be great to see you again J-Man, we are looking forward to hanging out with lots of great folks and jamming with a bunch of killer bands, will be a great weekend.