Pathinder, a Viking/Native American movie.

Crimson Velvet said:
Well, actually. I do have blond hair and blue eyes, and the father side of my family have been traced all the way back to 900 a.d. I am a cool viking, So there! :lol:

Also, vikings were a trading folk at heart since the very beginning. Only a fraction of the vikings were actually a warrior folk, at least at the end. Mostly, they were traders and seafaerers. One could actually argue that vikings were the first capitalists in the world, since they exportet trees south.

And besides, you missed my main point: Vikings lasted just as long as indians. And guess what! You've given in too!

I'm not even really a fuckin' Indian basicly!

Haha, and the blonde hair blue eyes stuff was mostly aimed at non-scanners + mostly metalheads.

Its fucking hillarious how every god damn metal had happens to be fuckin' Scandinavian.

My band has a song "110% Norwegian" making fun of douche-bag Viking-Metal kids.
Haha, yeah, I have a friend with dark curly hair and who is half blind who always screams VIKING POWER when he's drunk. I've considered telling him that vikings would probably have left him in the woods as an infant...

"Indian Metal" sounds pretty awesome, though!
Crimson Velvet said:
"Indian Metal" sounds pretty awesome, though!

When I was a young lad I once thought of starting a black metal project called Skraeling. That didn't last, haha.
have you ever been to the Hopi rez in AZ? far from extinct. The Mohawks, are pretty strong also, on both sides of the border I believe.

The native americans' biggest problem was the tribes would rarely unite against the white eyes. If they had been able to, during the early colonial times, the white peeps could have been exterminated easily, just as a variety of factors extinctored the normen settlement(s) in north america.

Read some stuff about Jamestown, it was fascinating how completely unprepared and inept the English were.

I'd like to see this movie.