Pathosray Lyrics

Azrael LenGraden

Lake Of Fire
May 5, 2004
Spring Grove, IL, USA
Can anyone tell me where I can get the lyrics for Pathosray's latest CD? The don't include the full lyrics in the booklet. I have looked all over the net. I am really enjoying this band and besides JOP, there are the number one band I am looking forward to seeing at PPIX.
Thanks is usually the best place to look for metal lyrics but I can't check myself at the moment if they have that album yet.
My friend messaged them on myspace asking for the lyrics and they responded saying they would post them on their website soon.
how the hell, in this day and age, do you sell a CD without a published set of lyrics in your booklet?

haha so true

im the worst at making out lyrics ever. i can never understand anything, maybe thats why i have grown to not really care about lyrics so much. i never really sit down and try to decipher the cds meaning, there are always lyrical hooks how ever, but as far as a true deep meaning to a song, i never really cared either way.
how the hell, in this day and age, do you sell a CD without a published set of lyrics in your booklet?

Not sure if this is the exact case with some bands, but it's possible that they're saving money. Graphic design companies charge for more extensive booklets & layouts.

If it's not in the budget, then they opt for a simple booklet.
Do not get me wrong, I LOVE me my Kamelot... But seriously, can you read the Ghost Opera lyrics in the booklet?? I sure as hell can't - cool font but damn, it's squint city and 'what does that say?'

Thank GOD for DarkLyrics!!!
Not sure if this is the exact case with some bands, but it's possible that they're saving money. Graphic design companies charge for more extensive booklets & layouts.

If it's not in the budget, then they opt for a simple booklet.

Thing is, the booklet is actually pretty nice. So I don't see the reasoning for not getting the lyrics in there.
how the hell, in this day and age, do you sell a CD without a published set of lyrics in your booklet?

Hi everyone!

it's Fabio from Pathosray speakin'!

I'd like to specify that for the booklet it was just a matter of choices, we wanted to concetrate only on the most important passages, small linked pieces of lyrics, that included the whole sense of the album...then it was also good to let you guys be curious and starting looking for the lyrics and interesting about the band...

that's all:)

sorry for the intrusion!!

Hi everyone!

it's Fabio from Pathosray speakin'!

I'd like to specify that for the booklet it was just a matter of choices, we wanted to concetrate only on the most important passages, small linked pieces of lyrics, that included the whole sense of the album...then it was also good to let you guys be curious and starting looking for the lyrics and interesting about the band...

that's all:)

sorry for the intrusion!!


Looking forward to your set next year in Atlanta! :headbang:
Thing is, the booklet is actually pretty nice. So I don't see the reasoning for not getting the lyrics in there.

Thank you :) I'm actually pretty happy myself with the booklet, it wasn't easy to make a fold-out/spread-booklet, when you're used to making the usual type of booklets, haha. Mattias Norén provided the great artwork, and I think it fits the music really well.

As Fabio said below, we decided (band, management, label) to concentrate on the most important passages in the lyrics in order to peak people's interest in the band.

Hi everyone!

it's Fabio from Pathosray speakin'!

I'd like to specify that for the booklet it was just a matter of choices, we wanted to concetrate only on the most important passages, small linked pieces of lyrics, that included the whole sense of the album...then it was also good to let you guys be curious and starting looking for the lyrics and interesting about the band...

that's all:)

sorry for the intrusion!!


About time we got you in here!!! Intrude anytime man!!!! :)

Chat with ya soon!!!
Can anyone tell me where I can get the lyrics for Pathosray's latest CD? The don't include the full lyrics in the booklet. I have looked all over the net. I am really enjoying this band and besides JOP, there are the number one band I am looking forward to seeing at PPIX.

But the torrent has a txt file attached with the lyrics in it, as well as two nice cover art pictures. You don't see those?
Well Fabio that's good to know.

Because when I don't see lyrics I assume the band just didn't give a damn enough about their lyrics, or weren't proud enough of what they ended up with to put them in print. And thus I start wondering if I should give a damn... (especially when it comes to writing a review).
Thanks for your response Fabio, I do like the artwork/layout and can appreciate the importance of the primary passages. It's just that when I hear a song I really like and cant quite make out all of the lyrics it drives me nuts!:loco:
Of course the passages in the CD booklet I understand fine... it's the other lyrics I have a hard time making out. Hope to see them on the new website and thanks again for responding.
I'd like to specify that for the booklet it was just a matter of choices, we wanted to concetrate only on the most important passages, small linked pieces of lyrics, that included the whole sense of the album...then it was also good to let you guys be curious and starting looking for the lyrics and interesting about the band...

I guess that makes sense. I still would rather have lyrics in my Cd, but thats a personal preference. I haven't checked out your band yet, but if they lyrics aren't in the CD, I'd want them somewhere else on the website. I guess thats in progress, so thats cool. :D
Leaving out lyrics to increase interest in the band is stupid. If anything I think it creates negative opinions.