Pathosray Lyrics

Thank you :-) I'm actually pretty happy myself with the booklet, it wasn't easy to make a fold-out/spread-booklet, when you're used to making the usual type of booklets, haha. Mattias Norén provided the great artwork, and I think it fits the music really well.

As Fabio said below, we decided (band, management, label) to concentrate on the most important passages in the lyrics in order to peak people's interest in the band.


It damn sure peaked my interest, and btw i love the cd even without lyrics, as i can't see the lyrics on most booklets anyway, part of the price you pay for getting old.
urrrg, I'm so bummed Progpower UK III fell through... not even sure if Pathosray were going to play, but I'd love to see 'em. Only just got into them but damn, they've gotta be one of my favs at the moment. Spheric Universe Experience would've been soooo good as well... ahh well, hopefully there will be another time!
Well, it's almost the end of june........and still no lyrics!

The (Italian)Pathosray-site has been under construction for several MONTHS now.... what is going on over there???
It would be cool to make some fans (i consider myself one, i absolutely love the album) happy in delivering the lyrics in some way.
It would be nice to actually sing along with Marco (his english is top-notch but i can't figure out everything - I'm not English so...).

I eagerly await full lyrics. Pathosray is one of the bands I am most looking forward to seeing this year.

Just curious...any update on this? I really like the CD, but could definitely use an "assist" on the rest of the lyrics!
hehehe, bumb .

i just found this album about a month ago, top prog metal. first album to send shivers down my spine in a while!!!!

would really help to know the lyrics, so atleast im singing them right as i make an arse of myself singing my lungs out while driving :rock:
I've purchased CD for 2007 album hoping that I could get full lyrics for this release... nope, ain't there.
This is very ingorant for huge fans from non-english speaking countries.
Here is scanned booklet:

May be we can listen and print here what Marco is singing? I will try at least.
Ok, I've got first one: "Faded Crystal".
I'm not expert in english linguistics, so I might have mixed my own thoughts and feelings with lyrics meaning.
This mark: (???) means I have some doubts about pronunciation. Please, edit it as you feel right.
Let's try it:
Where is the crystal burning now
Inlands I cannot see
Light is fading and is falling down
And so the fire receive ?? me

And I take a look into my first (???)
And leader path to find (???)
Cruel victoria I can't get hold (???)
My side is getting dark (???)

A stream of sorrow hits me
And shows me reality
No one else can help me
Madness is consuming me

Sadness and mourning
That's how I feel
Frightening my heart and killing me
Faded crystals blinds my eyes
The horizon is fading away

I feel so scared
The dissillusional reality
To the end of my days
This is all my enemy

Night ?? embraces me
With the ???
I'm sad and tired
Alone to escape this dream

The desert inside me
Where is the battle defined
Will kingdom be (???)

No can show me the way
No can show me the way
The desert inside me

Sadness and mourning
That's how I feel
Frightening my heart and killing me
Faded crystals blinds my eyes
The horizon is fading away

I feel so scared
The dissillusional reality
To the end of my days
This is all my enemy

To the end of time
A answer I cannot have
Is black and so cold (???)
This is only reality (???)

You can check out audio on youtube:
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The new Allen/Lande was the same way, no friggin' lyrics in the booklet. I have searched high & low for the actual lyrics, some songs have videos with the lyrics & the other ones are prime candidates for MisHeard Lyrics fame. Any help with this or the Pathosray lyrics would be awesome.