
I downloaded a few of their songs ( I really really like Caroline Leaving) as I was listening, I thought they reminded me of Life Of Agony a little bit. I think it has to do with the vocals, not necessarly the tone, but more of the vocal structure.

All in all a good band and am really looking forward to seeing them this year at PPIX.

On a related but side note- Does anyone know if they have distrubution in the US?

The vocals remind me of a mixture of Neil Fallon/Mike Ness/Elvis.

I got the older album from The End for $12 and the new album from Tower.com for about $15 or 16.

Elsewhere both are running over $20.
I've been enjoying this band most of the bands I had never heard of I think. Though oddly some of their material seems really familiar to me. Not sure if I listened to them in the past or knew someone that listed to them. The music seems fun and energetic and it should be a great set at PP.